being bored. Sign 2: You might also receive spirit messages through random images you see around you, on the TV, on your daily walks or when speaking with your friends. For If-centric houses, this must be divined using the ikin of Orunmila (palm nuts). taking orders This can be a confusing and foggy process, so its crucial to trust your gut and intuition to guide you on this very unfamiliar path. Elegua (Bat _ Giro) from CD Un Solo Palo, Lacho _ Yemaya Sequence (feat. as a woman, you enjoy the company of strong males A persons tutelary orisha (also called a head orisha, guardian orisha or guardian angel) is the orisha that claims a persons head. The average person generally wants to know simply for the sake of knowing. It is said that most of these avatars and enlightened spirits first existed in the etheric realm the realm of the spirits (Orun), and that then they came down into human bodies on the Earth as divine beings (Irunmole). Once you discover who your head Orisha is, you may be able to see how the spirit has manifested in your experience. Yemaya is the Mother of the Ocean Waters, the Seven Seas. sticking to a formal exercise program QUIZ: Which Orisa Rules Your Head? - Embracing Spirituality Then comes God Almighty. money is easy for you to make but not your foremost consideration Still, the process is much more complicated than reading a natal chart, tarot or oracle cards, bones, or similar divining tools. They are good at getting things started and tend to be very strong-willed. January 2019 Read more Orunmila Which Orisha Do You Most Identify With? "I am a peaceful and level-headed so I must be an Obatala. Clarify in your mind why you're attracted to the religion. humor Leave the liquid on your hair for several hours overnight. In the Yoruba-based religions, the Orisha are angelic emanations of The Creator (God Almighty) manifesting through nature. A perfect day for marriage. Sign 6: Seeing letters in the shape or form of numbers that spell certain names of the Orishas is also quite common when you are being contacted by one of the Avatars from the Yoruba tribe. This would happen in a divination where it is determined that you must be crowned a priest. Nana Clara Aldrin Quaye & Lilli Elena), Follow oshunschild's Blog: Simply my thoughts and feelings about being an Iyalocha in London on Some of their characteristics, though slightly different in each branch, all evolved from the source, the Yoruba people of West Nigeria. Initiations. The Religion like all spiritual paths is about elevation. Why Find Out Who Your Orisha Is? 2. This is also the practice that I prefer to use for my ile, though I have witnessed the other two ceremonies and recognize that each is valid. Along with our Egun are our Spirit Guides. These are the seven most worshipped Orishas of the Yoruba, the Ifa branch as well as the Afro Cuban branch of Lukumi (Santeria), and even the Brazilian branch of Candomble. Typically this ceremony is done as part of a person receiving their Awofakn or Ikof (hand of Orunla) but it can be done as just a reading if that person hasnt received the hand of Orunla yet. Ready to play this 'which orisha am I' quiz? The third way a persons tutelary orisha can be determined is directly from an orisha when they are possessing a priest or priestess. I was reborn in Cuba fifteen years ago. This energy also embodies passion, heat, and anger at times. God then manifested bits of himself creating lesser gods or guardian angels, governing over the various forces of nature. We all carry the characteristics of two (a spiritual father and mother). The head orisha is the right divine current of spiritual energy that person needs for his or her life to be balanced so his or her ultimate destiny can be attained. These are legitimate initiations in those religions but are not a traditional part of Santeria Lukum. If the person has not received their hand of Orunla, this can be done through a divination with Ikin (palm nuts) prior to the initiation. Let's begin then. Similar to him, you are wise, smart, and intelligent. This might be a potent introduction to your Orisha initiation and your journey down the ancestral path. Either way, your head Orisha bears the responsibility of leading, guiding, and teaching you karmic lessons. Let us see everything today.. Orishas were sent by Olodumare to help and teach humans during their time on Earth. clothes are very important to you October 2020 To find out which Orich claims your head, you have to undergo one of two possible ceremonies: In iles (houses) that are Ifa-centric, Babalawos (Priests of Orula) use palm or cola nuts to draw out the Odu (sign or letter) that signals the owner of the person's head. emotional sustenance is more important than material objects My intention is not to tar everyone with the same brush, but times are changing and it is important not to be under any illusions when going to Cuba. Normally, it means that a particular Orich is standing up to speak on behalf of that person at a given moment in time, and that the Orich is offering blessings, help, or perhaps even a warning, to help the client progress and avoid problems. What should you do? you have had experiences with the dead She is considered one of the most powerful of all orishas, and, like other gods, she possesses human attributes such as vanity, jealousy, and spite. -- that is important to follow through on so that you can have the spiritual support you need. The ceremony of kariocha is marked through divination as a requirement for a person's destiny, and is not something done "because you want to" or "because you love the orishas". there are additional orishas crowned beyond those mentioned above. For Ifa-centric houses,the divination of a persons crowning orisha is reserved for Babalawos. If you have not yet begun a practise of connecting to your ancestors, more than likely this will come up in a reading, so I really recommend to visit the above advise first. you prefer to stay home with your family rather than go out and party Hens, guinea hen, quail, and male and female goats are her blood offerings. In which case, you are equipped with specific aspects of your head Orisha for this purpose. In 2005 I She's the very powerful orisha of the wildest storms, the tempests . Therefore, it has very little to do with personality. Unfortunately many people treat this information like a parlor game, trying to guess who a persons tutelary orisha is prior to divination. *there are two ways of marking the head and finding out which Orisha claims the head. In the past decade since I have been in the Orisha Tradition, knowledge of the orishas have become more mainstream, which has generated a heightened state of curiosity about what and how we practice. Between the years 1991 and 2005 I received My Elekes, Warriors and Olokun. I found A dead bird in my home. Even without the readings and (expensive) ceremonies, if you put energy and work into your Orisha research, you might be able to get connected with your Head Orisha and start a bountiful spiritual journey. This ritual is commonly known as a Plante or Bajn and involves the highest Oracle available in the religion, namely the Table of If. Sign 3: You will receive odd dreams, and a lot of (physically) unknown people to you might show up in your dreams carrying messages that might seem cryptic to you at that time. When An Orisha Chooses You: How Do You Know & What It Means? Please dont get me wrong. Snails, particularly large African land snails, or igbin, are a delicacy of Obatala. prefer small groups to large crowds When an Orisha chooses you or contacts you, it means that you are called to your human purpose (here on Earth), and you need to receive divine help and guidance from the Orishas (and your ancestors). I have mentioned before that for some indviduals, that is a desired alternative and there is no real desire to belong to a community or to really learn or take part and some have problems with the hierarchical nature of Lucumi practise and prefer not to get involved within a community environment. A good day chiefs by virtue of their intention to remain in one location for a length of time. I have taught Cuban Music to children. She loves writing and is an experienced spiritualist too. She is also fond of light-colored fruits, wine, beer, rum, or gin. You should be working on your own self, overcoming your weaknesses and building a relationship with your ancestors long before kariocha. Like humans, they have distinct personalities with strengths and weaknesses of their own. Discover Your Orisa Identity - HoodooWitch Next, come Elegba (Eleggua) who opens the path, and The Warriors (Ogun, Oshosi, and Osun). you have had some experience or sense of the dead And by knowing who our Orisha is, we also learn to know ourselves better. - Original Botanica Which Orisha Do You Most Identify With? Each system differs in how it determines your head Orisha. These are not legitimate practices and are not only fraudulent but can be incredibly harmful to a persons development. I run an active Ile (religious house/Orisha temple) This deity is popularly known as the 'God of Thunder and Lightning . The first two are through divination. Which of these powers do you find the most attractive? Orisha Tradition: The Head Marking Ceremony Kalunga Healing Arts Each way is acceptable and it depends which house you belong to and how they work. you easily see another persons point of view Therefore, the identity of our Orisha is extremely important for us in the religion. This is because you need certain energic patterns to accomplish your destiny. large groups of people & parties His domain is the Sky, Clouds, Mountaintop. In addition to these there are other orishas that are crowned through a ritual adjustment called oro. The calming affects are profound. Shango also enjoys spicy foods, so a plate of peppers or a portion of highly seasoned chili would make an excellent offering. Oya also loves rum, gin, beer, wine, and dark fruit such as plums and red or purple grapes. you are attracted to lakes, streams, or the ocean I also explain the long process of finding out who your head Orisha is and the short process of finding out. The head orisha is the right divine current of spiritual energy that person needs for his or her life to be balanced so his or her ultimate destiny can be attained. You share many personality traits with your guardian spirit. Esu/ Elegba (Eleggua) is Guardian of The Crossroads, and the messenger of God Almighty. Many new practitioners of the Ifa and other diasporic traditions are typically quite excited to identify their head Orisha when they first start practicing these spiritual systems. Six red apples, placed on a dish and set upon a shelf in your home, are a standard offering. Palm oil, kola nuts, coral, and flowers can all be used as offerings. you hate confinement on any level What does it symbolises ? My first reading took place over thirty 34 years ago, when the religion was illegal, Cuba was not a popular tourist destination and circumstances were very different. Place this on a plate and offer it to Ogun for a successful outcome to the surgical procedure. I cannot speak for how practitioners of Candomble, Haitian Voodoo, or any other traditions determine this information. Hen and female goat may be offered depending upon which aspect of this female warrior Orisha you are calling upon. In Europe, in general there has been a huge rise in the practise of the religion and the ceremony of Kariocha has taken place in some countries, amongst them Holland, and Spain. Orisha (Orisa/Orishas) are deities, sometimes referred to as avatars or emanations of the supreme being (Olodumare) in the Yoruba religion of West Africa, and they are believed to have extensive supernatural abilities and powers. I found what appears to be a dead baby bird on my bedroom windowsill todayit barely has feathers so no, The digestfromexperts is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to, The Connection Between Dragonfly and Death | Various Spiritual Meanings and Beliefs. Unlike every other Orisha, Obatala is not offered palm oil. The pros of choosing godparents in the vicinity of where you live are simply because there is a chance to become part of a community. The Owner of the river is a head Osha and represents the intensity of feelings and spirituality, human sensuality, love and femininity. March 2015 They are your patron or matron and act as a guardian and balancing force in a person's life. Start Quiz . They need time alone and require peace and quiet. A persons Head Orisha could be attempting to get their attention in such instances. Getting to know people before asking them to represent you within the religion is really important. Firstly, you need to be clear about which branch of the religion you want to commit to or you feel is calling you. How to Find Out Your Guardian Orisha the Proper Way! PDF Orisha Worshippers - Federal Bureau of Prisons You may in luxe onions and garlic as well. Educate yourself and understand that there are roles that Babalawos have that Olorishas dont have and vice versa. Oyas day is Wednesday. My Iyatobi Oshainle passed this year and Omi Laibo is my Ojubona. being on time My office is in the basement of my home that is where, I have tried to keep myself away from the twitching beliefs since I became a Christian but the truth is. Depending upon the circumstances, as many as nine are offered at one time. You should never feel pressured by any Diviner to become committed to them as Godparent. So, when an orisha deity chooses you, what does it mean? Orishas are deities or spirits in African traditional religions. I recently saw an article in a well-known New Orleans Voodoo publication telling people to perform a shamanic journey to determine who their tutelary orisha is. You just have to tell us a few things about yourself and based on your answers, we will determine your orisha type. In the divination, the client will place his head on the mat while the diviner throws the diloggun to bring his guardian orisha down to the mat and determine which owns his head. working within a large corporate atmosphere I formed the London Lucumi Choir in 2006 which has performed all over the UK, in major theatres such as the Barbican, the Southbank and Union Chapel, Rich Mix, The British Museum and the Liverpool Philharmonic Hall. At this point, your head is stabilized, and you begin receiving higher-level spiritual insight and wisdom. Orunmila is known as the god of wisdom, knowledge, and divination. If you have not decided that this is your path, you definitely do not want to just find out what orisha has your head and then walk away. Now that there are a fair amount of initiates in the UK, this is no longer the case. There was a time in the UK, where the only option was to have godparents that lived in Cuba or the US. Others may seek you out for your wisdom. Peppers in any form, highly spiced foods, 151-proof rum, gin or vodka, black or dark cigars, red palm oil, and once in a while, honey are all suitable offerings. Our head of mission in Malawi, Marion Pchayre, explains how. Yes, sometimes the blacksmith turns out to be a child of Ogun or the cosmetologist is a child of Oshun, but there are times when the child of Obatala is an athlete or the child of Elegba is a doctor, career choices are not readily attributed to those orishas. Which Member Of Red Velvet Are You Most Like? Some things are limited to explain in written language. MY PATREON TEAM for private live-streams, private lessons, recipes, money and love hacks, and a 15 minute consultation! Throughout the video, I also share some tips about reasons why each step of the long process is valuable and how to ensure your short process is valid as well. So how does a person find out who their tutelary orisha is? It is important to reiterate that using ob (four cowries, four coconut pieces or four kola nuts) to divine a persons orisha is not acceptable and is fraudulent practice. Different cultures have different beliefs about the head Orisha. They leap to a quick conclusion that this or that one is the owner of the head, when their knowledge of that Orich is very limited and incomplete. people seek out your opinions Kula nuts are also acceptable. Because it is my lineage, the Lucumi path is what I will be concentrating on, however please be aware that there are different traditions under the umbrella of Orisha worship and you need to find what is right for you. you cannot tolerate deceit or lying These elements ultimately help you live in balance and harmony. Affiliate Disclaimer:This site contains references and links from various affiliate marketers. ", "I am sweet and I love the color yellow so I know I am a child of Oshun. He is the head of the orishas and as such protects and guides all people with fairness and equality. I would say, first and foremost. Once this happens, that person should begin making preparations for kariocha primarily saving money for the ceremony. Train your nose. He was considered the creator of this universe. You may well be a child of Yemonja/Olukun (Yemaya) if: you love children With the growing awareness of Santeria, people find themselves infatuated with the orishas. It looks like the Orisha that matches your personality is Shango. She loves the arts, music , and dance. He opens and closes all The Paths, The Doors, The Roads. Ask Obatala to bring you peace and tranquillity while you are doing this. Understand that you can have multiple Godparents within this religion. It would depend. Ei Ach Iy is a practicing Santera, daughter of Ochn. Asking for an understanding of your circumstances is a tall order if the majority of your Ocha family have never left the street they have lived in all their lives. If you are a child of Obatala, you may find that you are enamored with ideas, analytical, cerebral, introverted, and monogamous. Ogun is the god of war and iron and the patron of blacksmiths in the Yoruba and other diasporic traditions. Tags: divination, guardian angel, head orisha, initiation, kariocha, misconceptions, oriate, orishas, santeria, terminology. This is a Santeria/Lukumi practice for houses that work with babalawos. Whatever the scenario is, continue forth with humbleness and respect, but also keep in mind your vital force and temper its very likely that an Orisha that chooses you, will have something (very) similar to yourself. As a child of Ogun, you may notice these characteristics within yourself. you are slow to anger But also first steps first, make sure you pay attention to your ancestors. How does one do that? You may ask. Usually the godparent will use the shells of Elegba or the orisha they are initiated to and will sometimes ask another priest or priestess to do the reading for neutrality. Summoning or invocation: It's NOT wise to try to summon the energy of one Orisha if you are not initiated to that particular Orisha. Obatala is the Father of the White Cloth, Peace, Calm. you tend to be slightly heavy you are always analyzing other peoples behavior and motives you have sudden burst of anger June 2015 Reading is a good start these days. There are various ways and resources in the UK and online, but I would say that it is important to build some kind of ancestor altar in your home. Shango is the only Orisha that does not take kola nuts, except for the bitter kola nut. Esus day is Saturday. Those who came before us who are related to us by blood. She is one of the most popular and venerated orishas. At this time of year, with Yemaya's feast day on September 7, Ochn's on September 8, and Obatal's coming up on September 24, everyone is paying a lot of attention to these Orichs, which is only right and natural under the circumstances. Children Of Esu/ Elegba (Eleggua) Will Enjoy: sex you understand logic but make the majority of your decisions based on your gut feelings. The Ancestors, The Orisha, The Creator. The babalawos will beat the palm nuts and mark out odu on the table of if (opn if) and determine which orisha rules that persons destiny. There are no other accepted methods aside from those mentioned above to determine a persons tutelary orisha within Santeria Lukum. Do not hurry. Rooster and male goat are also offered. Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Which Stand do you have. First of all, to pray for a head one must have a lot of heart and that the religious's hands are spiritually fresh and clean, because by putting our hands on the body of another person and more on his head, we are offering a part of our life. Here is our Aggay shrine at our Church. This is typically done when a person received their Hand of Orunla (Awofakn or Ikof). In either case, knowing who this deity is can profoundly impact the course of your life. Some traditions believe that each person has one guardian spirit, while others believe we have two. you often set the tread for your friends or family For houses that are Ocha-centric and do not work with Babalawos, this would be the moment you are marked for kariocha. Quiz introduction. In addition I have family connections in Cuba. When you choose your godparents, you are also choosing to belong to a lineage and a way of doing things. Orisha Tradition: The Head Marking Ceremony, Kalunga Healing Arts, Philadelphia, PA, USA. KARIOCHA: Ogun could be your guardian Orisha if you: have a profound sense of right and wrong For example, when a person finds out they are a child of Obatal they know they usually function best over time and that when they are hurried they are at their least efficient. But it's premature to say that the client is the son or daughter of the Orich based only on a routine consulta, especially if it's the first time the client has seen the diviner and a relationship of trust hasn't been built up yet between the two. good food The Table of If can only be used by fully initiated and trained Babalawos or Fathers of the Secrets. Create your own unique website with customizable templates. The most famous ceremony for determining your Head Orisha is Kariocha (meaning making ocha or santo) a seven-day (plus two preparatory days before the start of the ceremony) Lukumi ceremony that dedicates you to your Head Orisha. you need periods of being alone Also beneficial for business and financial events. A guide to receiving what, with whom and what it means! Because the children of Obatala must take care of their heads, and because they are often prone to feeling the excesses of stress and deadlines, they tend to run hot. What this means, in simple terms, is that they get overburdened or overloaded with work or responsibilities and begin to react badly to the mental pressure. The guardian orisha can change before a person is ordained in kariocha and there is no point in knowing until the arrangements are already being made for kariocha. You may be an Aries sun or moon sign or have other prominent planetary placements in the Aries constellation in your natal chart. It may mean that the Orich has a special fondness for the client, and over time, it may be revealed through the correct ceremonies that in fact that Orich is the owner of the client's head. Shangos day is Thursday. Many other deities work with you, but your head Orisha is your guardian spirit. Ogun is the Orisha of Iron and Labor. Once you have chosen the Olorisha to represent you, the correct procedure would be to go to the feet of the tutelary Orisha of the person that you have chosen and ask. This will be a way of recognition for you to determine which Orisha has made contact with you. A person's tutelary orisha (also called a head orisha, guardian orisha or guardian angel) is the orisha that claims a person's head. There is a growing phenomenon of people wanting to know who their orisha is, along with a desire to worship and work with that orisha directly. There are more initiations and less real knowledge or awareness. people are oftern drawn to you for comfort and understanding If you are able to obtain kola nuts at a local specialty store, be certain that you specify bitter kola for your Shango sacrifice. Times have changed. you are sensual in a quiet rather than overt fashion. A person's head orisha is not a matter of choice or preference; the tutelary orisha is received my Ikofafun ( Ifa) and on February 9 2006 I became initiated as a Priestess of Ochun in Luyano, Havana. If you regularly smell things before consuming them, you can help improve your sense of smell over time. The two teams battled on this ground in 2019, where Quetta registered a 43 . If you were told that you are a child of an orisha through an alternate method just consider that reading as the orisha taking you under his or her protection, but until the proper method is used, you are NOT confirmed to be a child of that orisha. They want to know who has their head and how they can go about finding out. Choosing a godparent, should take time and building up a relationship should also take time. Like Wednesday, a bad day to undertake major projects and for the use of most charms. you forgive easily and often you are always looking ahead at the probability of peoples actions You see that swag?! Following are the Orisha (Your Guardian Orisha). Hoodoo Witch courses were created to teach people how to introduce hoodoo-style magic into their daily life no matter their background. Sometimes your head Orisha corresponds to the planetary ruler of your sun or moon sign, so you could already be familiar with how this energy works. However, there are times when knowing your head Orisha is critical for balancing various aspects of your life.
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