loud house bully fanfiction


loud house bully fanfiction

WebThe bully Chapter 1: worst enemy, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincolns P.O.V. WebThe Loud House Month Of Horror! Lincoln: >annoyed, to Taylor< Hey, I was going to get some, you can't swipe it from me! Anderson: Those little twerps, why does she think she can hang around with babies like them and not us? Taylor: I love too, as Hall monitor, itll be my responsibility to make sure Ill report any suspicious activity and cause no harm. When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! Young Anderson: Nice to meet you, I'm Anderson. (Mr. Chong shows them a window with Taylor going to school and a bunch of school students torture her for being a cyberbully and label her as an Internet Troll). WebBULLY #1: Oh, Its just because we HATE you. Mr. Chong: Yes, and you also failed to tell them that you are in charge of your own life and decisions, you have let them take control over you, you should never let them do what you dont want to do, and based upon evidence, you have been helping them steal food, toys, money and homework, what kind of a student would you be if you keep bullying others? Anderson: No matter, we'll get him next time, we still got the whole day until we beat him. Lincoln: First of all, I can't do this alone, secondly, fighting is not the answer, you should have been there for me like all siblings do. (It takes place at Royal Woods High. Anderson: You dont have any of your besties anymore, you got us, if you ditch us, we will bully you like everybody else, come on. The Loud House Fanfic #11-Second Mommy Now with the help of the bully's daughter Rita must escape before its too late. Chapter 2: Bully Killer, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction The Loud House Month Of Horror! Leni: >to Lincoln< I'm so glad you aren't on that bus anymore. Looney Tunes is owned and created by Warner Rita: >to Lynn< I don't care, you need to sit in your room and think about what you have done. Long story short, in the universe If I start a fight, Ill get suspended, Dad was right, I shouldnt have to be so rough on him, I should have protected him, I know what I need to do, and I must to the right thing, I have to report this to Principal Ramirez and hopefully shell give me my job back. Lincoln: I should have stayed with Clyde instead of the back seat. Lincoln: You were just having some trouble. 58.7K 547 33. She wears a pink polo shirt with a purple collar and a white button, red long trousers and white shoes. School Officer: >to Seventh Grade Boys< It's okay Boys, I'll let you two off with a warning this time, now head to class, >to Lynn< And as for you, while you are not Hall Monitor anymore, I'm just glad you took it serious, so I'll let this slide for a while, don't be harassing students anymore. Anderson and Pablo shared a maniacal laugh, Lynn on the other hand had witnessed what is going on, she gasped as she was going to take action), Lynn: Oh no, these two boys are going after my family, I got to teach them a, (Lynn stopped and remembered what the officer told her). The Sister Role Reversal. Taylor: Oh, raw meat can be a problem sometimes, say um, you got anything interesting for lunch that you are having that we can trade? Mr. Bolhofner: Early again Loud? Taylor: I'll tell you later, come on, let us go together. Lynn Sr.: You were not being fair to Lincoln, you clearly had no right to hurt him like that, you are forbidden to be hanging around with Lincoln, if you get closer to him, we will have to extend your punishment to the next month. Lola: >gasps, to other sisters sans Lynn< You guys, Lincoln has got a girlfriend! Anderson: >to Taylor< Pretending to be friends with a sixth grader, and then you lured him into our trap, thats pure genius. Taylor: Until suddenly, when I started Middle School, I started to snap, I have beaten up my big brother as I didn't want to be bullied by him anymore, he was much worse in high school as he joined a gang before I beaten him, after I beat him, I became a bully because I was scared that the other kids would pick on me, later on, I joined Pablo and Anderson, the two boys who were with me when we ganged up on you on the school bus. Loud House Lynn: Okay, no to prove that I Lynn Loud am a better hall monitor. Mr. Chong: We don't always see things the way they really are, take a look in the mirror, what do you see? Loud House Month Of Horror (They both hang up and go back to fullscreen with Lincoln in his bedroom as he is reading his comic books including another Pacific Rim issue, the next day, Taylor was in the guidance office with Mr. Chong as he teaches Taylor on taking advantage of others is plain wrong). Work Text: Disclaimer: I don't own The Loud House. (The school officer came in time to see Lynn torturing abusing the other boys). You ok? (It starts at our school, the bell rings, and Lincoln walks in to Mrs. Johnsons class.) Mr. Chong: I've seen that we had made your point. WebHere my very first fanfiction. Principal Ramirez: >to Anderson, offscreen< You are absolutely right Anderson, you are dead wrong about me. Principal Ramirez: >to Taylor< That's great, it seems to me that you are heading down the right path, I appreciate that you are making great progress, >to Lincoln< And Lincoln, I assume that you've known Taylor right? Anderson: Very well, if thats the way you want it! Lincoln and Cameron are in Mr. Mooney's class learning about The Spanish Flu.) Making the Grade (my version) Thomperfan 24 March 2017 User blog:Thomperfan. Chandler: >scoffs, to Mr, Bolhofner< Whatever, >to Lincoln< Well well, hello Lincoln Lame, miss your eighth grade buddy? Leni: Who is it this time? (It takes place at Royal Woods High. (As Vanzilla drove on home, Lincoln in his bedroom was on video chat with his friends). He ran right to his room with tears falling out of his eyes. LENI: Yeah, Im fine. Taylor: I know me and my brother werent close buthe was barley a part of my life because he was with his friends and they made him do bad decisions, and they hurt me, hes no longer the boy I know, he was a monster that tortured me, now that my brother is out of my life thanks to my Dad arresting him for domestic child abuse, he couldnt let go of what he loved to do, in the end, I destroyed him. WebUser blog:Austria-Man/A Loud House Fanfic: Heroine or not Heroine; User blog:Austria-Man/Crows; User blog:Austria-Man/The Sleeping Boy; User blog:Austria-Man/The Ugly Loud; User blog:Austria-Man/Truth or Fanfiction? Loud House [passes by his classmates as they give him Taylor: But I want to be his friend again, I dont deserve to be with them anymore. Mr. Chong: Now it's time for your second lesson, being with the wrong crowd. School Officer: >to Lynn< Young lady, consider that your first warning, and if I ever catch you you here harassing and torturing other students in this hallway two more times, I will have you suspended, this is your first verbal warning. Long story short, in the universe Lynn: Aha, eating in the hallway while school is in session huh chump? (Taylor walked out of the Principal's office and walked into the guidance office where a hippie with buzzed brown hair, a T-rex tooth necklace, a Dinosaur hippie shirt with a picture of a Brontosaurus, blue jeans, grey flip flops, surrounding him with a 1960's lava lamp and several Beach Boys and Beatles posters around his walls was meditating, Taylor cleared her throat and the hippie counselor stopped meditating). WebLANA: (angry) If you ever bully our brother like that, you're gonna get it! School Officer: >to Seventh Graders< Boys, this is very serious, did you see what could happen when you talk about shooting at school? Fanfiction - Karate Linc (At the dining room Taylor was sitting next to Lincoln as she took Lynns spot, Rita spoke up). BULLY: Y-Yes! Principal Ramirez: How would you like to have a job as Hall Monitor? (Taylor slinked away from the two boys, she then starts to walk to the girls bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror as she started to cry, she now understands why Lincoln was getting bullied, it's because like herself at a young age, he was not strong and had an abusive relationship with his sister Lynn, she then spoke to herself in the mirror). Lincoln: >to Taylor< Now that all of this is in the past, we certainly can be friends, that is if you want to be part of our group. Fund your creativity by creating subscription tiers. Taylor: Oh, can I play? Principal Ramirez: > to Lincoln< Exactly, since Lynn is in detention until five, I've contacted your parents to come pick you up, >to Taylor< Same goes to you too. WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. (As Taylor was the first along with Anderson and Pablo got in the cafeteria, they all seen Lincoln getting brutally pinned to the floor by Lynn, Anderson and Pablo laughed, but Taylor gets into another flash back of herself as a fifth grader going on to be a sixth grader, where she was bullied by her abusive big brother while her parents are away). LANA: (kind) It's what siblings do, Lincoln (Anderson pulled Taylor away from Lincoln, she puts on her helmet and gets on her bike, she turns to Lincoln with a tear in her eye). (Taylor laughs at him and walked away, chef Pat gives him left-over Brussel sprout casserole making him feel nauseous over it, Thursday, as Lincoln was getting to the bathroom to whizz, Anderson grabbed him and shoves his face by the toilet). (The mirror turned around and sees a monster version of herself in the mirror with green skin, large torso and a large underbite). Lincoln: That's the worst advice I've ever have gotten from you! Rita: I know, the principal told us, your father and I will deal with her later, but I'm glad it's not those same eighth grade bullies this time. Lincoln: >to friends< It's okay, everything is done and over with, I hope it doesn't get worse. WebLANA: (angry) If you ever bully our brother like that, you're gonna get it! Taylor: One more thing, if this program isn't enough to redeem myself, should I be his escort buddy and get more extra good deeds? Lynn Sr.: Not only that, you are hereby temporarily restrained from Lincoln after what you did to him. School Officer: >to Lynn< Young lady, your duty as hall monitor has been terminated, remember? Lynn Sr.: >to Loud siblings< Kids dinner's ready, it's Taco Tuesday, >to Lynn< but not you Lynn, you can't have dinner with us, we will send it up to your room! (Hours later, Taylor learned another lesson from Mr. Chongs Anti-bullying program, she left the office, only to bump into Anderson and Pablo who stopped her). When the girls meet Lincoln and his sisters, escapades abound! WebAudrey is a minor character The Loud House who made her first appearance in "Schooled!". Lynn Sr.: That's still no excuse, your job was to take care of Lincoln when he's in middle school. Mr. Chong: I see, but tell me this, how do you think they feel when you took advantage of them when you are stealing something from them? Fanfiction - One Fateful Fight Lynn: Why did you boys say something about shooting? Loud House (Taylor follows Anderson and Pablo, Lynn hears the conversation and realized that Lincoln was right). (Anderson pretends to cry like a baby, Pablo joins in as they both chuckled, they stopped and then turn to him one last time), (Lincoln didnt move a muscle or said a word, he just stood there on the ground). (The officer gives her another ticket and pastes it on her forehead, later on they waited outside for their parents to pick them up, Taylors Mom came and picked up Taylor, they waved goodbye to each other, Lincoln was waiting for his Mom but he was cornered by the two bullies). He looks around and sees it riding away on the highway WebExplore Episodes More Community in: Banned episodes, Episodes, The Loud House Season 5 Episodes English No Bus No Fuss View source Not to be confused with its book adaptation. However, when they are discovered they are forced to go on the run. Anderson: >to Lincoln< Where's your big sister? Chandler: BOOOOOOO, go back to Great Lakes City, BOOOOOO! Mr. Chong: Yes, pretty pitiful huh? Taylor: Don't get used to it Lincoln, there's plenty more where that came from. Lincolnloud Stories Mr. Chong: Sure it's nice to make new friends, and it's okay to hang out with them for a while, but that's only temporary, because sooner or later, if you don't leave them, your future will be dark, are you sure you still want to be friends with them? I haven't talk to Bobby for 2 hours! (Lynn shoves the boys by the lockers and squeezed their hands tightly while twisting their arms). Anderson: >to Taylor< There you are Taylor, where have you been? Taylor: >to Lincoln< I just wanted to say, I'm very sorry for bullying you on the school bus, the hallway, the lunchroom and the sidewalk, I was being so aggressive by nature and I had no right to bully you as that set a bad example to you, I also fell in with the wrong crowd to assist them bullying you guys, I was a major jerk. +5 more. (It takes place at Royal Woods High. (As Taylor and Lincoln were about to walk to class, Principal Ramirez stopped them). Taylor: >to herself, crying< Now you understand someone else's pain when they start middle school, you don't want to make sure they too become a bully just like you, you've should have known better than that, you've been hanging out with the wrong crowd and I don't want you to let him do the same thing as well, it's all your fault, you started to (Then pictures of Taylor's past begin to take shape like Television sets, she explains to him about her past). Lynn Loud Sr. Lincoln: Good morning Royal Woods Kangaroos, this is Lincoln Loud with my Partner Clyde. *Laughs* (The Bullies leave) LENI: *Tearing up* I guess I will give this dress to a friend *Sobbing* (Leni arrives home, Luna was watching TV with Lynn and they saw Leni crying) LUNA: Hey, Dude. You make me sick! loud house fanfic WebThe bully Chapter 1: worst enemy, a loud house fanfic | FanFiction Lincolns P.O.V. (From the inside, Lincoln and Taylor just chuckled at her joke, Anderson and Pablo were annoyed at this). (Mr. Chong shows her a window to the future of what could happen in her future, she sees herself in a gang when she starts high school, and she doesnt go to college and lives out in a life of crime, she then sees herself as a convict in a women's correctional facility, she was shocked and sheds a tear in her eye). Sibling Incest. Lincoln: I'm having Grilled Cheese for tomorrow. Lynn: Bro, I already warned you about Taylor, shes bad news.

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