what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman


what attracts a pisces man to an aquarius woman

10 Best Colors For a Winter Wonderland Wedding. We are friends and lovers. broken hearted Pisces Man, Be adventurous How did you take your relationship to the next level ? He will settle for nothing less than an otherworldly love story. I feel hungry all the time and I dont know how much longer i can keep going like this. 3. Aquarius Woman and Pisces Man Love Compatibility | Ask Oracle. A Pisces and Aquarius friendship can be enjoyable, but they will never bond closely enough to become the best of friends. The Pisces man Aquarius woman compatibility gets a THREE Hearts love rating. On a personal front, Im not one for committing first which is probably a product of insecurity caused by the fear of rejection. She attentively listens to all of the advices that has to be given by the Pisces man, though she ends up doing things her way anyway. These two dont really understand each other very well. If an aquarius will not commit to you, it means you do not have her yet. Venus in this forceful, yang sign (Aries), relates by being forceful with the self, in a relationship. I am sitting here at home while he is out drinking right now, and honestly at this point if anyone wants to come and cuddle up next to me i will be happy. 19. Which is something these fire and air sign men are terrible about! Aquarius brings in new ideas and helps Pisces move in the water. I dated an Aries Moon in the past when I was 20. Now I am looking for a good companion, best friend, soulmate, partner and lover and at my age thats not easy to find. Yes but I like to cook also and love doing things like this together. The Aquarius Female is a dreamy, analytical, friendly person, who either enchants or scares those she meets. Although a Pisces man gives freely and expects nothing in return, he is impressed by a magnanimous and selfless woman. A Spiritually Based Connection It has nothing to do with materialism and more to do with the lack of it. I found this information quite interesting. 9. This planet, on the other hand, is perceived as the God of the sea. I caught him at phone sex (back when that was popular). No zodiac sign has a bigger heart than a pisces. SO in the summer I hope things will start moving along nicely with one of them so I will know what I will be doing and who I will be with by the wintertime Feels a little violating and after sex I dont feel close and fulfilled I feel empty. Some are really sweet and some are just funny and bizarre. Maybe prefer the woman to say it first. They desire to find a pisces are both signs together. In fact, they are highly - and strangely - compatible. Suspicion might arise if youve been caught in a lie and the act follows not to long after. He is completely devoted to a partner and will do anything for her. He seemed very insecure and childish at times. Dont quit because an aquairus womans love is pure and true. But, since he is so sensitive, you need to be careful with how you express your honesty. Value a mutual connection and not just sex for the sake of sex. Its possible down the line once theyve figured out how to create a strong bond otherwise, its on the back burner for these two. Id say 60% in favor of a homebody. We had 2 daughters who had 5 grandchildren for us. The Moon in Aries man is attracted to: inner strength An Aries Moon sign is known for being very self-confident, ambitious, and determined. Im a female Aquarius and whenever my male Piece is not around because of work he delivers flowers to me of he sends me a long text telling me how much he adores me. She keeps this in her life to keep herself up in the clouds where she is happiest. Hi wanda, I am an aquarius women that recently got out of the realtionship with a pisces man of several years. Its best to store excess money in a locked up investment. All rights reserved. But the way he fights has become so abusive and hurtful when we fight all I ever want to do is to let my feelings be known and try to work past it. This man is actually evil, and I have never said this about something in my entire life. Hi Rose. Once they are committed, they will retain the trust they have for one another. xoxo. You can have a shower afterwards to wash off. Mystic advises a virgo man and aquarius people around dating a chaos addict, what are not be . He is attracted to a woman who is assertive and can help him make decisions, no matter how simple or difficult. What to Expect Sexually From a Pisces Man? If he isnt able b/c hes busy to write an email then he needs to text, if no text, thats not good. the last time i looked in here eyes there was no love in them when before she looked at me like she was drunk with feelings. No fucking around, in short. While they connect naturally with certain zodiac signs, they will have a hard time being with other zodiacs. But I can tell you I am done with her games and I am thinking of quitting. Watches me do chores while he just scrolls through social media on his phone while telling me he is doing important things. I think an Aquarius who keeps running into this problem might find more peace with a Pisces. Ive felt like the relationship has been stagnant for a while and sometimes he is so cold towards me I start to feel insecure about his feelings for me and if we will last. Soon he learns to understand her tears and after some time into the relationship, he lets the things go and pacify his Pisces lady whenever needed. You must be really careful because if she isnt contacting you at all now then it means shes not interested. She needs friends who either ground or excite her, and she will see Pisces as a potential grounding force. The man that will devote the MOST of his TIME to me. Aquarius woman commits herself to the man she loves as soon as he has proven to be her very best friend. This means that it is hard for them to find common ground. My love, my bride and ex-wife was thrilled to see, finally, what became of me. Meaningful gifts like love letters or mementos from your first date are just as important and special to a Pisces guy as designer goods and will help attract him to you. No need to harp on about it. She is extremely independent, perhaps one of the most independent of all the zodiac signs, and she gets turned off by too much attention. I am aquarius and he was pisces. A Pisces man is not one to push against resistance or make ultimatums, so he will go along with whatever she wants to do. She tends to fall into illusions and is often described as dreamy. It isnt always easy between the two of us. Neither of them likes to make promises as they hate to break them when given. However, shell also notice he wants to move quickly and she isnt one to move too fast. Hello Russell, First of all Happy New Year! The love connection was something out of this world, but we looked at relationships very differently. Still, aquarius is one of the signs that cheats less than others. What hurts the Pisces man the most in a relationship? The Aquarius man and the Pisces woman belong to neighboring zodiac signs, which offers them a good karmic link on which to build their relationship. I just need to stop showing how much love im able to give and become a rock. From the moment we met I could sense something so different about him and that feeling certainly didnt stray me wrong. On that note, they will both wait until they are committed before they start to really opening up. To woo a Pisces woman, be funny 4. Her visit was quite unexpected but most welcomed. Never married and never had children of his own. You might want to get to the root of his behavior b4 you do what I did and waste all of those precious years that you will NEVER EVER get back. As a matter of fact, an Aquarius man and a Pisces woman probably met through their shared interest in some social cause. I am not shallow but I do feel that looking presentable in professional settings and on romantic dates is important. So why bother. Just google natal chart you can even get phone apps. If it really affected me? At that time I was young only 20 and I didnt know what was what. With Libra's need for balance and their people-pleasing attitude, and Aquarius' free spirit but adaptive nature, these two zodiac signs share a love for life, freedom, and intellect. Pisces man is quite taken by Aquarius woman. I advise you to stay away from scorpio and be with pisces. What is she doing that makes you feel this way? Even though she craves her freedom to continue to be her individualistic self, once she falls in love, she is forever of her lover. 17. i worry a lot of emotional cheating with pisces man. 6. This man can completely become spellbound by your electrifying aura and a very, very direct approach. I love attention online from a variety of men and its very hard for me to make up my mind which one I would settle with. The issues I have with my Pisces is always around trust and him being so quiet that I dont know what he is thinking or feeling. Pisces can be very strong-willed (part of this comes from being a water element), and Aquarius as a sensitive soul can be frightened when people push boundaries. And yes! One will know when the other sees an attractive person and feel hurt, or know when the other is upset about something minor and make it a big deal even when keeping it a secret would probably make it blow over faster. And i have this feeling something is wrong. Aquarius women cant stand weakness. Do Pisces men like to be chased or do the chasing? Each zodiac sign is attracted to different qualities in a significant other. I was recently talking to him about how I dont know where the relationship with the pisces is going, and with his scorpio powers he somehow got me talking about what I am really REALLY looking for in a relationship which is eventaully marriage and children. But there are also limits. Theyre more likely to be very short lived if they try to actually have love together. otherwise she will start feeling lonely and will want anyone next to her. I had a very jealous Pisces husband when we were first married. He married the 3rd one. Albeit I am always easy, friendly in her office. Are Pisces men ok with experiments in the bedroom and period sex? 13. I have been with a pisces man for some time. Logical and straight forward. A Pisces guy never turns anyone in need away. Im not 71 and I never remarried and am unfortunately alone now b/c of the phycological damage that all of that did to me. And Pisces should remember not to play games with Aquarius, because the Aquarius will see right through it and be offended by fakeness. Do Pisces men play hot and cold if they are disinterested or just because they are playing hard to get? In an Aquarius woman, he sees his own strengths in self sacrificing himself for her without a hesitation. I hope I find my Pisces man soon. At least for me personally. We have a true bond. A very insecure man no doubt. He is the most generous lover I have ever been with and the sex between us is breayhtakingly incredible. Aquarius is constantly critically looking at the world and questioning its reality. Even then, they dont relate with each other too terribly much. Are Pisces men good fathers? I do wear subtle make up to match whatever I am wearing but 90% of the times I like to stay natural.I dont wear drag queen or Kardashian inspired make up because it doesnt suit my personality.I like painted toes and wearing nice shoes. We like to be chased, we like to play it cool while the man shows the full range of his emotions because deep down we are scared and insecure about letting our hearts love fully. He expressed kind of the same things youve expressed. Also, we are raised to be cold, so we will hide hurt feelings and pretend like everything is okay so people dont make a big deal of it. Me and my hubby are in fights frequently. I feel the same way about my pisces. But more seriously: Loyalty, honesty, communication (this cant be stressed enough) and various other traits that arent morally skewed. She will not wait for you Worst: Cinnamon, ginger, or tobacco. Its nice adventuring once in a while. Most serial killers fall under Pisces). They prefer confidant leaders that pull them out of the clouds once and a while. In fact, it doesnt take Aquarius woman very long at all to know if this guy is someone she wants to be with or if she should just move on. There are SO many variables They give each other the benefit of the doubt and keep trying to forge a bond that will be strong. An Aquarius woman will never be as emotionally available as a Pisces man needs, and she will have to learn to be more in touch with her feelings and sensitive towards her partner. Logical and straight forward. You must constantly be learning about yourself and remember that everyone you meet is still learning about themselves too. Pisces Man and Aquarius woman do not connect emotionally. If her pedicure is practically nonexistent or she has a lot of calluses and rough patches on her . crushed by my own heart, my own love, my own passion, my own honor, my own life Weve been married since 1983 and were still in love. Chase to a point but prefers being chased. Hence, affectionate person who, which is not go very focused and cancer sun friends. I have talked to many aquarius women in relationships with pisces men and this is what most of them say! I just getting to know a pisces man, also divorced. He loves all kinds of attention from women. He will not le you fail at this. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. But I respect your wishes and your personal choice.Commitment talks are necessary for me because a Cancer heart wants the clarity, reassurance and emotional security. He also has his head in the clouds and has so many opportunities/aspirations he wants to accomplish and I love listening to them, but Im also the level head that reigns them in and figures out what we need to do to accomplish them. Aquarius ALWAYS falls in love with the mind first, then comes personality/soul and looks comes last. and yes communication is so important with us. Not too much that it seems fake, just let her know in genuine moments. She used to pretend she needed freedom but once I won her over she is addicted to me. I had long forgotten it untl she said it to me. I like to be polite,kind and caring but my kindness is definitely not my weakness. GOOD LUCK to all Aquarius ladies b/c its not easy to be one. Am aquarius woman, divorced since a few years from a very domining Aris husband. She isnt attached to her emotions when it comes to sex, b/c that is the way most and not all Aquarius women are. 20. Awesome response, thank you. If he is successful, the two will have to work out the bugs in their relationship to make it last. For Aquarius woman you need to show consistency and undying devotion. I know pisces likes to have his privacy and alone time, but just remember to reach out to her. Pisces Man & Leo Woman Compatibility: Perfect Match? On that note, on a scale of 1 to 10, I give this couple a 4. It sucks but I want HIM and having distance with the man I love is 10000000x better than being next to someone that just any other man. One of the men I am now dating online text tonite around 6:40 to say I am in the hospital ER. If you love yourself, your Pisces guy will love you, too. (I hate sounding so harsh, sometimes lol ). and its his ability to communicate his feelings, hes not afraid to show his love and ita refreshing however I have to make sure you dont just want me for the sexual part. You both need to get past the stage of awkward shyness and doubting eachother, like the article says, once pat a certain point it is all smooth sailing. And just for right now keep the emotional stuff to a minimum until u know for sure she feels the same as you. We just get eachother in ways that we cant have with anyone else. 1. Pisceans tend to keep things inside and not verbalize issues properly as they arise. An Aquarius woman is an admirable human being with so many interesting colors in her personality that can amuse anyone. His otherworldly nature causes him to do things that are often surprising, and she makes it a point to regularly confound expectations. He loves that shes so independent but at the same time he can be a bit fearful of it. Join the conversation, be positive, and stay on topic. I wish you well and hope you make the RIGHT decision He was Pisces, I am an Aquarius woman. I say you tell her how you feel and she will understand. I truly have never known love like this. REALLY listen to her 8. They are better suited as friends or coworkers than as romantic partners. 16. You Broke Up With Your Capricorn Man. Only pisces can do this to aquarius. He needs someone to help him ground himself because otherwise hes going to get so far into his fantasies that he may forget what reality is. She will talk to him and realize that she can relate to his dreamer side. I have known him since I was a kid and have always known him to be selfless, loyal and no matter how tired, dependable. He can tolerate a lot and let most of the bad pass him by. He went thru his male mid-life crisis and had 3 affairs, dyed his hair, traded in his truck on a nice white car, bought new shoes and clothes and had 2 affairs with married women and one with a 20 yr. divorceeHe married that last woman the same year that I divorced him. Hope it works out for your benefit. The Aquarius woman is wise to suggest a short getaway. While we love each other, I wouldnt say we have the most harmonious of marriages. I also dont consider myself to be pretentious. The respect the hell out of someone who can react without having to think it over 1million times. We treasure trust and honesty above all other things. Forgiveness at that level is not something I do, and once Im done Im done forever and can be colder than an Antarctic winter. I do want to make clarification regarding period sex topic and sorry if I am being too descriptive here. Because the scents of perfume really vary between women and men, men are so attracted to woman's perfume and they find it to be extremely sensual. Weve been together for 10 years so far (and hopefully more) and he is the sweetest and kindest person Ive ever known in my entire life. It isnt easy to expose your vulnerability to strangers and I appreciate your sincerity. I feel very lonely and unseen in this relationship. It has nothing to do with materialism and more to do with the lack of it. 14. My only wish is to be by his side forever. He has a natural sense of empathy, and he may not be aware that this is something unique to him. Im not inclined to forget as easily. If you are asking yourself, What does a Pisces man look for in a woman? The answer is someone as devoted and loyal as he is. If they do make it to be parents, theyll actually do quite well with showing the children a nice balance of life. b/c of his affairs. I admit to having a strong sexual appetite as I am an Aries Mars. A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of . and in May of 2011 (on their Disneyworld vacation) he got sick with his lungs and passed away in Fl. You are right when an aquarian woman truly love.. which comes after being good friend we love all the way n give it all!! Not usually. He is emotional and intuitive, and she is rational and intellectual. Jupiter makes the Pisces man so understanding, that he will try his best to understand his partner's need for freedom. YOU lady are not using your headYou have been brainwashed by this man. 11. 3. TO PISCEAN 101: I am an older Aquarius lady and if shes younger she will or can feel this way. When I divorced him we were 2 months shy of 33 yrs. aquarians are dreamers too, butn ot in the same way as a pisces. Therefore I started to check all the other signs compatibility with me. I think if you approach her in an accusatory way she will push away but if you approach her in an open and vulnerable way she will want to reassure you. Its also in my mind a process of elimination. Pisces lives life doing what only he wants to do, so if he is with you that is exactly where he wants to be. And ladies, since we support girl power, we just wanted to let you in on a little secret: if you're looking for love, you just might have men hounding around you because of your scent. This pair can have fun together by talking about abstract ideas and wild conspiracies, which is a passion they share. I am a young aquarius woman and I am nothing like how you describe young aquarius women. Join and search! They are so individual and to marry means (to her) a feeling of losing ALL of her independence, that doesnt sit well with MOST Aquarian women. After learning more about Aquarian woman, I started to learn more about her and see our relationship over time as we became good friends and better lovers. Ive had three children while we were separated and crazy part is Ive always craved him. Hope this helps! When I am not in love, I stay celibate and when I am in love, I can go for an all nighter marathon. I wonder if he will text me or call again. Doors getting kicked in, things getting smashed up. SO YOU are the one who is making the choice to stay with this idiot abuserHe doesnt seem like (from what you are writing here) that he gives a damn about anybody in life but himself and he sounds totally screwed up And b/c of who I am, I think that is what I have to have. If a Pisces man and an Aquarius woman get together, and if their relationship starts to deepen, the Pisces man will probably want to marry. He will be the more sensitive and nurturing parent, and she will be the one to set limits. He talked about a famous actor that she is really pretty and I realised that I am not that type of woman physically. He loves to shower the object of his affection with attention. Were always guessing where we stand in someones life. The more eccentric her friends are, the more she enjoys them. If its something trivial then logic dictates that forgiveness should be an easy enough thing to do. Will they want to is more of what they have to consider when figuring out if they want it to be forever or not. But first be good friends n go from there. Great lovers they are not and never were! Consecutive signs often share traits, regardless of element. SO trust issues followed and you can understand why. He likes being close to his partner and never shies away from PDA. Each is attracted to the other because of their shared: Original, eccentric, offbeat, and unique angles on life Open-minded acceptance of others Humanitarianism Free spirted, artistic, peace-loving, and friendly nature 18. Ideally, in order to attract a Pisces man, be the crutch they can blindly trust and rely on. She is an Alice in Wonderland and keeps living in a dreamy unreal world. i dream of a future with my pisces man. He wants to get to know you on a deeper level and he enjoys analyzing feelings with his loved ones. He may be confused when it comes to a quick decision, but he is more than willing to give his all to someone he loves whether it be his lover or a family member. Its all for fun.And also, I like dressing up feminine and classy. Pisces craves romancethe hidden lilies behind the facts of life. Phew, never again! Try going here for a 100% free LOVE reading: https://youtu.be/DMsWLwr-kvI I was married to a Pisces for 34.5 yrs. Mine has served his country all his life, mentors youd boys and men and a constant companion to his true friends. This one might be a product of my upbringing, but: Extremely. This limits the things they can do together and have a good time. Dreamy more than secretive, does tend to keep cards close to chest, not easily open to just anyone. to Vietnam. He begin to think he was younger (like 30) and he started to change something awful. He had a horrible temper. But can definitely be disinterested early on if things arent reciprocated. The Aquarius is kind and generous; This is something your partner will like . Though, she herself is the one who usually does the surprising, especially with her whimsical and crazy thoughts that float through her head. No need to harp on about it. An Aquarius woman would be able to give him this focus and direction if she were so inclined. WKR in N.C. Im a Pisces male in a relationship with a younger Aquarian woman. At least I would know somewhere in his cold tiny heart he is capable of hot feeling and love. On the other hand, when a Pisces guy is in a good mood, his Aquarius friend will find him relaxing and pleasant company. Not good by myself but as a unit yes lets achieve. Im a 3rd Decan Pisces sun/Libra moon. A Pisces man is calm, thoughtful, quite gentle and compassionate person, most of the time. And violent when pushed. One of those things is sex. Am now in touch with my emotions fully and seriously. But that could also possibly be because of what was stated in point #5. Her loneliness will force her to go with other one. Free to join to find a man and meet a man online who is single and looking for you. I tend to overthink, I dive into logic way too much sometimes, and he helps me to go and feel more with my heart, and a little less with my mind. of my temper. 1. When you feel good about yourself, it shows in the ways you present and carry yourself. I want the man that will INVEST into our relationship. If Im with a woman, Im 100% hers unless the energy changes between us then its time for us to split. Since we broke up, he has lost and is losing everything he got when he was with me. My apologies if this double posted. she was the one and i coultn see it when we were together. If were talking complete and utter nymphomania then I think just about anyone functional would be taken aback. This is why we often end up with terrible abusive insensitive men that only think about their own needs and basically use aquarius as a willing slave! When we met it was like, finally! Someone who gets me! 7. Doors getting kicked in, things getting smashed up. If not, anything goes honestly. I personally hate cheating on any level and when in a relationship only dedicate myself to that person and hold them to the same standard. Likewise, an Aquarius woman does not really want to have to explain herself, so she may not communicate with him either. Wooing her by bringing flowers and some chocolate will definitely work. (of course this doesnt mean they love love you!) He really loves me. They are different and gentle for sure. He will love you, treat you well, marry you and do all the right things, but you wont feel that complete abandonment of passion out of him. Also dont forget to joke with her. In the past I did not have sex with love, but that changed with my pisces man. Pisces man said he wnts these thigs too, but he never said with ME specifically. Being an Aquarius young, middle age, or older (like me) is NEVER easyLive and learn. I enjoyed this insight and the clean yet caring style its written in. Perhaps they can use some of this technique when it comes to love. No. Pisces men are usually introverts and they struggle between wanting to spend all of their time with loved ones and desperately needing some time to themselves to recharge. Thats being a little generous as I think others would rate them a little lower. Build a strong friendship. 17) yes yes and yes I am an Aquarius female dating a male Pisces and this could not describe him more! Mostly wont talk about/reveal things until its happend or there are extremely high certancies often just fine in own thoughts/company at times. I honestly hate my life with him. I myself am an Aquarian woman and have met a pieces male. so instead saying candle lit dinner, your bulb blew, i got some candles, i might even cook you some food A Pisces guy cant help but be drawn to a woman who is involved in charity and other selfless work.

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