social issues in malaysia 2021


social issues in malaysia 2021

See the Department of States International Religious Freedom Report at . Of the total, 30 percent were physical and sexual abuse. In July police raided the offices of Freedom Film Network in response to an animated short film the network and the NGO Suaram released in June about the lack of police accountability. Share this via Telegram Continue reading and get to learn about the 10 common social issues around the world. In cases related to terrorism or national security, the law allows police to hold persons, even after acquittal, against the possibility of appeal by the prosecution. Some workers alleged their employers subjected them to inhuman living conditions and physically assaulted them. The law provides for limited freedom of association and for certain categories of workers to form and join trade unions, subject to a variety of legal and practical restrictions. Penalties included fines but were seldom assessed and were not commensurate with those under other laws involving denials of civil rights, such as discrimination. Sati was not deemed a social issue until Raja Ram Mohan Roy criticized the practice and a considerable number of people started supporting him (Ahuja 2014). They were released on bail but ordered to report to the nearest District Islamic Religious Department and barred from uploading on social media. Eliminating systemic racism. In May the National Union of Journalists Peninsular Malaysia, the Centre for Independent Journalism, and Gerakan Media Merdeka issued a statement in response to five incidents where authorities questioned and investigated journalists early in the year. In Malaysia, over 6.6 million students enrolled in pre-school through to secondary school were impacted by school closures, according to UN estimates. Workers who strike without the consent of the director general of trade unions are liable to a fine of 2,000 ringgit ($480), imprisonment for up to one year, or both. Hamzah announced that the Ministry of Home Affairs was installing closed-circuit television inside all police lockups in April and that installation was 40 percent complete as of September 29. Most migrants, refugees, and stateless persons lived in private accommodations and survived on support from UNHCR, NGOs, community-based organizations, refugee support networks, or illegal or informal labor. Although the law does not require groups to obtain a permit for assemblies, police frequently placed time, location, and other restrictions on the right to assemble. It is vindictive.. Employment: Although the government does not authorize UNHCR-registered refugees to work, it typically did not interfere if they performed informal work. Supporting the essential social work workforce. The Barisan Nasional (BN) political coalition ruled Malaysia from independence in 1957 until 2018, maintaining power by manipulating electoral districts, appealing to ethnic nationalism, and suppressing criticism through restrictive speech laws and politicized prosecutions of opposition leaders. In April a Pakistani UNHCR cardholder refugee was assaulted by a group of men in Selangor State who severed his genitals. A lawyer representing Ganapathys family said an autopsy revealed his death was due to severe injuries to his legs and shoulders. Malaysia's RHB Investment Bank noted in a report this month that serious weaknesses to the economy due to concerns that sluggish expansion in the construction and retail sectors, coupled with . He was arrested on July 24 and remanded for investigation. For examples of social problems in Malaysia include crime, violence, gangsterism, drug abuse, baby dumping, vandalism, and young relationship among youth. As a result, many NGOs registered as companies, which created legal and bureaucratic obstacles to raising money to support their activities. According to the International Press Institute, the nationwide state of emergency declared in January to combat the COVID-19 pandemic, postponing parliamentary sittings and elections while banning interstate travel and imposing restrictions on media, posed a grave threat to press freedom and freedom of expression. In March the government enacted an emergency ordinance prohibiting the spread of fake news related to COVID-19 and the state of emergency declaration with heavy fines, three years in prison, or both for violations. Employers routinely asked women their marital status during job interviews. It finds that about 64.5 percent of jobs in Malaysia cannot be performed from home, after . Some workers organizations were independent of government, political parties, and employers, but employer-dominated or yellow unions were reportedly a concern. The law does not prohibit discrimination with respect to race, religion, national origin, color, sex, ethnicity, disability, age, sexual orientation, HIV or AIDS status, or refugee status in employment and hiring; the director general of labor may investigate discrimination in the terms and conditions of employment for both foreign and local employees. Youth suicide costs a staggering RM350 mil each year, according to Relate Malaysia's new study. The charges came on top of two other corruption charges against Saddiq on July 22 for misappropriation of one million ringgit ($240,000) in funds that belonged to his former political party, Bersatu, led by Prime Minister Muhyiddin. Also see the Department of States Trafficking in Persons Report at The law classifies some types of workplace sexual harassment as criminal offenses (see section 7.d.). The government cooperated to a limited extent with UNHCR and other humanitarian organizations in providing protection and assistance to refugees and asylum seekers. Police released him on bail. The governments Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission, the International Committee of the Red Cross, and SUHAKAM monitored prisons on a case-by-case basis. After the suspension, Hamid retired. A July study by Newcastle University of 1,500 mainly migrant workers found that the following forced labor indicators in the country had worsened during the pandemic: restrictions on movement, isolation, abusive working and living conditions, and excessive overtime. While authorities generally recorded votes accurately, there were irregularities perpetrated by the former Barisan Nasional coalition government that affected the fairness of elections. Police must inform detainees of their rights to contact family members and consult a lawyer of their choice. What does a boil look like after it pops? SUHAKAM may not investigate court cases in progress and must cease its inquiries if a case becomes the subject of judicial action. Legal observers feared the February ruling by the Court of Appeal against Malaysiakini (see section 2.a., Freedom of Expression for Members of the Press and Other Media, Including Online Media) set a precedent that websites could be held responsible for reader comments posted in response to content. Mental health is generally related to depression, anxiety and stress. During investigations police may hold a suspect for 24 hours, which may be extended for a maximum of 14 days by court order under general criminal law provisions. Foreign workers may join a trade union but may not hold union office unless they obtain permission from the Ministry of Human Resources. To date, no Malaysians have been held responsible for their role in the deaths of over 100 ethnic Rohingya trafficking victims whose bodies were found in the camps. The Malaysian Bar Council claimed these restrictions were excessive. Discrimination in employment and occupation occurred with respect to women; members of national, racial, and ethnic minorities; and persons with disabilities. Employers reportedly restricted workers movement and use of mobile telephones; provided substandard food; did not provide sufficient time off; sexually assaulted workers; and harassed and threatened workers, including with deportation. UNHCR registers children born to refugees (see section 2.g., Stateless Persons). He claimed their collaborators would get promoted to dominate the police hierarchy, so that when they are top officers and have power, they will start to do their dirty work, including collaborating with criminals. In November the Home Affairs Ministry referred the matter to the Enforcement Agency Integrity Commission for further investigation. In-country Movement: Sabah and Sarawak States controlled immigration into their areas and required foreigners and citizens from peninsular Malaysia to present passports or national identity cards for entry. Criminal defendants have the right to confront witnesses. The law does not recognize marital rape as a crime. In October the government revived a 2018 criminal defamation suit against British journalist Claire Rewcastle-Brown for her reporting on the 1 Malaysia Development Berhad financial scandal that led to the conviction of former prime minister Najib in 2020 on corruption charges and occasioned his continued prosecution on other corruption and abuse of power charges during the year. Inspectors have the authority to conduct unannounced inspections and initiate sanctions. Although the codes five offenses infringing the rights of LGBTQI+ persons sodomy, homosexual activities involving women, changing gender, crossdressing as a female, and crossdressing as a male were not among the newly added crimes, observers expressed concern about the implications for the LGBTQI+ community. Authorities restricted rights to religious observance for members of all non-Sunni practices of Islam, which the government bans as deviant.. Her lawyer presented a medical leave certificate to the court the next day, but the judge rejected it. For refugees in Muslim marriages, the observers claimed authorities often accepted a UNHCR document or other documentation in lieu of a passport as proof of citizenship. The government did not effectively enforce laws prohibiting child labor. Depression. What is scope and limitations of the study? Based on 2017 data, Malaysia extracts 18.375 billion liters of raw water per day for treated water supply alone. Employers may be required to pay back wages plus the fine. Police suspended two officers pending investigation. We must bring activity and quality to the table. Also in September, MACC withdrew 29 charges of corruption against Noor Ehsanuddin Mohd Harun Narrashi, a former UMNO parliamentarian and former director of the government-linked Federal Land Development Authority. Female Genital Mutilation/Cutting (FGM/C): The law does not prohibit FGM/C, and it was a common practice among Muslim and some indigenous communities. True statements may be considered defamatory if they contravene the public good. The government and its supporters used these laws, along with provisions against sedition, to punish and suppress publication of material critical of government officials and policies. In February the High Court ruled against the Semelai Orang Asli claim for customary rights over a plot of land in Pahang State to make way for an oil palm cultivation project. Alladin, one of the child sex offenders most wanted by global law enforcement authorities, was linked to at least 34 victims between ages two and 16; he had uploaded more than 1,000 images and videos depicting the sexual abuse of children over the course of 14 years. Penalties for violations were not commensurate with those for similar crimes. Social issues news. Malaysiakini reported that the practice of period spot checks dated as far back as 20 years. Suicide Call Back Service on 1300 659 467. Investigations revealed Yusrazif received a list of names and passport details of the detained foreigners from two agents and facilitated the release and return of detainees to their countries of origin in exchange for bribes. Employers, employment agents, and labor recruiters subjected some migrants to forced labor or debt bondage. Protests deemed acceptable by the government usually proceeded without interference. Malaysia's population in 2022. Prior to the 2018 elections, opposition political parties were disadvantaged due to the Barisan Nasional governments control over traditional media outlets and malapportionment of constituencies, among other matters. Some trade unions reported the government detained or restricted the movement of some union members under laws allowing temporary detention without charging the detainee with a crime. The government restricted access to the internet. Each year, millions of people have to escape from their home countries because of wars, conflicts, persecution, or climate change (UNHCR, 2022). Also on July 28, authorities detained youth activist Sarah Irdina and questioned her for 10 hours over social media posts promoting the black flag campaign to protest the Muhyiddin governments response to COVID-19. Social problems has been invited many negative things that can threaten the peace and safety of the country. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Malaysia Outlook 2022: Five Risks to Watch. Police raided the publishing company and questioned journalist Tashny Sukumaran and seven Malaysiakini journalists who had authored chapters. The government on several occasions forcibly expelled boats with refugees and asylum seekers who had come from a country where their lives or freedom could be threatened due to their race, religion, nationality, membership in a particular social group, or political opinion. Students returning to Malaysia will have to undergo a COVID-19 swab test and quarantine procedures. Domestic and international human rights groups operated subject to varying levels of government restriction, investigating and publishing their findings on human rights cases; however, the government was not always cooperative or responsive to their views. In Kuala Lumpur as well as Selangor and Kelantan States, prisons exceeded capacity by 45 to 50 percent. The trial of former deputy prime minister Zahid Hamidi for his role in a fraudulent scheme involving hundreds of thousands of Nepali workers seeking jobs in the country continued as of September. Discrimination against lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) people remains pervasive in Malaysia. Access to those in detention centers was often significantly limited. Child labor was also evident among migrant domestic workers. In March the then inspector general of police, Abdul Hamid Bador, declared that there was a cartel of dirty cops in middle and senior ranks. Subscribe to our Telegram channel for our latest stories and breaking news. A childs testimony is acceptable only if there is corroborating evidence, which posed special problems for molestation cases in which the child victim was the only witness. A 2018 survey by a local transgender rights group reported more than two-thirds of transgender women experienced some form of physical or emotional abuse. Employment discrimination occurred against persons with disabilities (see section 7.d.). 2020 was an extremely happening year - well, Covid-19, and a General Election that took place amidst this pandemic. In September a sessions court fined immigration officer Yusrazif Wan Yusoh 50,000 ringgit ($12,000) after he pleaded guilty to five counts of accepting kickbacks totaling 15,000 ringgit ($3,600) to free Filipino and Chinese nationals detained by the Immigration Department. In August the minister of home affairs rejected an appeal by the Malaysian United Democratic Alliance to register as a political party. There was also a sexual investigations unit at each police headquarters to help victims of sexual crimes and abuse, and police sometimes assigned psychologists or counselors to provide emotional support. Physical Conditions: Overcrowding in prisons and immigration detention centers, particularly in facilities near major cities, remained a serious problem. The aims of this . AFP pic Another study in Hong Kong published by the International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health also found that 25.4 per cent of 500 survey respondents reported that their mental health had deteriorated since the pandemic began. Subtance abuse. Significant human rights issues included credible reports of: unlawful or arbitrary killings by the government or its agents; torture and cases of cruel, inhuman, or degrading treatment or punishment by government entities; harsh and life-threatening prison conditions; arbitrary arrest and detention; problems with the independence of the judiciary; arbitrary or unlawful interference with privacy; restrictions on free expression and media including unjustified arrests or prosecutions of journalists, censorship, and the existence of criminal libel laws; restrictions on internet freedom; substantial interference with the freedom of peaceful assembly and freedom of association; severe restrictions on religious freedom; restrictions on freedom of movement; serious government corruption; serious government restrictions on or harassment of domestic human rights organizations; lack of investigation of and accountability for gender-based violence; significant barriers to accessing reproductive health; trafficking in persons; violence against lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, queer, or intersex persons; criminalization of consensual adult same-sex sexual conduct; and child labor. Such policies, together with antidefamation laws and the emergency ordinance prohibiting the spread of fake news enacted in March under the January-August COVID-19 pandemic-related state of emergency, inhibited independent or investigative journalism and resulted in self-censorship in the print and broadcast media. Therefore, we have compiled a list of the biggest social issues of 2021 in this blog. The government reserved large quotas for the bumiputra majority for positions in the federal civil service as well as for vocational permits and licenses in a wide range of industries, which greatly reduced economic opportunity for minority groups (see section 6, Systemic Racial or Ethnic Violence and Discrimination). Public-sector workers have some collective bargaining rights, although some could only express opinions on wages and working conditions instead of actively negotiating. In July Speaker of the Lower House Azhar Harun repeatedly told female opposition members to shut up during parliamentary proceedings. Governmental Posture Towards International and Nongovernmental Investigation of Alleged Abuses of Human Rights, Section 6. Students remain prohibited from expressing support or sympathy for an unlawful society or organization. In June human rights organizations protested an illustration posted on social media by the National Task Force, a government unit charged with tightening border controls, that showed armed security officials and navy ships surrounding a boat, captioned, Rohingya migrants, your arrival is not welcome. In response to complaints, Minister of Home Affairs Hamzah Zainudin declared he believed most Malaysians were concerned that the huge number of refugees who made Malaysia their destination of choice might lead to various social ills. In turn migrant rights activist Adrian Pereira of the NGO North South Initiative expressed fear of what the governments portrayal of the Rohingya could lead to, especially after the surge of online hate against that community in 2020. In September Chief Justice Tengku Maimun Tuan Mat issued directives to improve the detention process and ensure suspects detained for investigation for more than 24 hours had access to legal representation, were in good health, and were allowed to testify in court about their treatment while under detention. For children between ages 14 and 18, there was no list clarifying specific occupations or sectors considered hazardous and therefore prohibited. On January 11, SUHAKAM expressed disappointment that the government was withholding evidence on orders from the Attorney Generals Chambers and claimed the legal authority to demand such evidence. The government censored films for certain political and religious content, not allowing, for example, screening of films in Hebrew or Yiddish, or from Israel. What happen to Malaysia in 2021? Censorship or Content Restrictions: The government maintained the ability to censor media. Labor union representatives noted that recruiting agents in the countries of origin and locally sometimes imposed high fees, making migrant workers vulnerable to debt bondage. Civilian authorities at times did not maintain effective control over security forces. In August 2020, the Federal Court upheld the constitutionality of the mandatory death . Advocacy groups such as the Association of Women Lawyers stated these provisions were not comprehensive enough to provide adequate help to victims. FEBRUARY 18 With the current four-digit infection cases and no sign that the situation will abate anytime soon, it would seem that Malaysia's macroeconomic conditions will worsen rather than improve for 2021. Undocumented migrants are detained during a crackdown by MalaysiasImmigration Department in response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Petaling Jaya, Malaysia, May 20, 2020. UNHCR deemed this a widespread problem. Recent Elections: The countrys most recent general election was held in 2018 amid allegations of partisanship on the part of public institutions, in particular the Election Commission and the Registrar of Societies. Government social protection policies will need continuous revisions and adjustments to bring Malaysia forward into a more equitable future. Teenagers who abuse alcohol increase their risk of negative health effects because their organs, brain and mental capabilities are still growing. UPDATED: Check out what Singaporeans cared about in 2021. 2021 has been a crazy year. Independent Monitoring: Authorities generally did not permit NGOs and media to monitor prison conditions; the law allows judges to visit prisons to examine conditions and ask prisoners and prison officials about conditions. The details are given below. Many scholars have identified fundamental differences between the causes and consequences of issues experienced the rural and urban sectors. Self-censorship took place among academics at private institutions as well, spurred by fear the government might revoke the licenses of their institutions. The kingship rotates among the sultans of the nine states with hereditary Malay rulers. The inquiry against him took place behind closed doors, causing human rights NGOs to question the independence of the decision. Rape is punishable by a maximum 20 years imprisonment and caning. Global AIDS Coordinator and Global Health Diplomacy, Special Presidential Envoy for Hostage Affairs, Special Representative for Syria Engagement, U.S. Security Coordinator for Israel and the Palestinian Authority, Office of the U.S. Some observers indicated that children born to Muslim refugees and asylum seekers often had an easier time obtaining citizenship than non-Muslim refugees and asylum seekers. A lack of resources and qualified teachers limited opportunities for the majority of school-age refugee children. Criminal defamation is punishable by a maximum two years imprisonment, a fine, or both. The alliance, led by parliamentarian and former youth and sport minister Syed Saddiq Syed Abdul Rahman, had a successful social media launch, securing more than 300,000 member registrations in one month in late 2020. The government, however, did not mandate accessibility to transportation for persons with disabilities, and authorities retrofitted few older public facilities to provide access for persons with disabilities. The report also alleged that one accredited election observer actively campaigned for the former Barisan Nasional government. You can add more than one country or area. On June 15, the Attorney General filed an application to initiate contempt proceedings against online news portal Malaysiakini for five reader comments. The law requires two-thirds of the members of a registered trade union to vote for a strike through a secret ballot, and a report must be submitted to the director general of trade unions to approve the strike as legal. KUALA LUMPUR- 24 July 2021 - After a year of intense uncertainty because of the COVID-19 pandemic, political instability, racial discord, and severe climate events, millennials and Gen Zs around the world are determined to hold themselves and others accountable on society's most pressing issues.These generations have long pushed for social change, but many now feel the world is at a pivotal . See the Department of States Annual Report on International Parental Child Abduction at Malaysia's Ministry of Health (KKM) reported that one in three of the country's adults are at risk of developing mental health condition for the last 5 years.

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