probability of exceedance and return period earthquake


probability of exceedance and return period earthquake

Comparison of annual probability of exceedance computed from the event loss table for four exposure models: E1 (black solid), E2 (pink dashed), E3 (light blue dashed dot) and E4 (brown dotted). P Flows with computed AEP values can be plotted as a flood frequency 10 {\displaystyle 1-\exp(-1)\approx 63.2\%} The probability of exceedance describes the Example:Suppose a particular ground motion has a 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years. An equivalent alternative title for the same map would be, "Ground motions having 10 percent probability of being exceeded in 50 years." to occur at least once within the time period of interest) is. n value, to be used for screening purposes only to determine if a . and 2) a variance function that describes how the variance, Var(Y) depends on the mean, Var(Y) = V(i), where the dispersion parameter is a constant (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989; Dobson & Barnett, 2008) . ) The lower amount corresponds to the 25%ile (75% probability of exceedance) of the forecast distribution, and the upper amount is the amount that corresponds to the 75%ile (25% probability of exceedance) of the forecast distribution. Also, in the USA experience, aftershock damage has tended to be a small proportion of mainshock damage. a result. The most logical interpretation for this is to take the return period as the counting rate in a Poisson distribution since it is the expectation value of the rate of occurrences. where, yi is the observed value, and a ( = "Probability analysis of return period of daily maximum rainfall in annual data set of Ludhiana, Punjab",, Articles with failed verification from February 2023, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, This page was last edited on 10 February 2023, at 02:44. = a' log(t) = 4.82. While this can be thought of as the average rate of exceedance over the long term, it is more accurate to say "this loss has a 1 in 100 chance of being . ) The probability of exceedance of magnitude 6 or lower is 100% in the next 10 years. It can also be perceived that the data is positively skewed and lacks symmetry; and thus the normality assumption has been severely violated. ( 1 The theoretical return period is the reciprocal of the probability that the event will be exceeded in any one year. 1969 was the last year such a map was put out by this staff. Figure 2. 0 (equivalent to 2500-years return period earthquake) and 1% exceeded in 100 years . Calculating exceedance probability also provides important risk information to governments, hydrologists, planners, homeowners, insurers and communities. a The 90 percent is a "non-exceedance probability"; the 50 years is an "exposure time." The theoretical values of return period in Table 8 are slightly greater than the estimated return periods. In addition, lnN also statistically fitted to the Poisson distribution, the p-values is not significant (0.629 > 0.05). 1 To do this, we . . n Exceedance probability can be calculated with this equation: If you need to express (P) as a percent, you can use: In this equation, (P) represents the percent (%) probability that a given flow will be equaled or exceeded; (m) represents the rank of the inflow value, with 1 being the largest possible value. In seismically active areas where earthquakes occur most frequently, such as the west, southwest, and south coasts of the country, this method may be a logical one. 1 The probability that the event will not occur for an exposure time of x years is: (1-1/MRI)x For a 100-year mean recurrence interval, and if one is interested in the risk over an exposure If stage is primarily dependent on flow rate, as is the case This study suggests that the probability of earthquake occurrence produced by both the models is close to each other. Sample extrapolation of 0.0021 p.a. The horizontal red dashed line is at 475-year return period (i.e. of coefficient of determination (R2 = 0.991) portrayed, the magnitude of earthquake explained 99.1% of the variation in occurrence of earthquake while 0.9% were due to other variables that were not included in the model. (2). Immediate occupancy: after a rare earthquake with a return period of 475 years (10% probability of exceedance in 50 years). ^ In GPR model, the probability of the earthquake event of magnitude less than 5.5 is almost certainly in the next 5 years and more, with the return period 0.537 years (196 days). y The maps can be used to determine (a) the relative probability of a given critical level of earthquake ground motion from one part of the country to another; (b) the relative demand on structures from one part of the country to another, at a given probability level. Duration also plays a role in damage, and some argue that duration-related damage is not well-represented by response parameters. Solve for exceedance probability. The Weibull equation is used for estimating the annual frequency, the return period or recurrence interval, the percentage probability for each event, and the annual exceedance probability. it is tempting to assume that the 1% exceedance probability loss for a portfolio exposed to both the hurricane and earthquake perils is simply the sum of the 1% EP loss for hurricane and the 1% EP loss . 0 ) The relationship between frequency and magnitude of an earthquake 4 using GR model and GPR model is shown in Figure 1. E[N(t)] = l t = t/m. , is the return period and ^ M ) If one "drives" the mass-rod system at its base, using the seismic record, and assuming a certain damping to the mass-rod system, one will get a record of the particle motion which basically "feels" only the components of ground motion with periods near the natural period of this SHO. M 63.2 The local magnitude is the logarithm of maximum trace amplitude recorded on a Wood-Anderson seismometer, located 100 km from the epicenter of the earthquake (Sucuogly & Akkar, 2014) . Generally, over the past two decades, building codes have replaced maps having numbered zones with maps showing contours of design ground motion. Our findings raise numerous questions about our ability to . = Whereas, flows for larger areas like streams may R , 1-30 Seismic Rehabilitation Prestandard FEMA 356 Chapter 1: Rehabilitation Requirements where: and the mean return period, P R, at the desired exceedance probability shall be calculated from Equation (1-2): (1-2) where P EY is the probability of exceedance (expressed as a decimal) in time Y (years) for the desired earthquake hazard level. Exceedance probability is used as a flow-duration percentile and determines how often high flow or low flow is exceeded over time. y Consequently, the probability of exceedance (i.e. The annual frequency of exceeding the M event magnitude for 7.5 ML is calculated as N1(M) = exp(a bM lnt) = 0.031. Exceedance probability is used to apprehend flow distribution into reservoirs. Seasonal Variation of Exceedance Probability Levels 9410170 San Diego, CA. If an M8 event is possible within 200 km of your site, it would probably be felt even at this large of a distance. Decimal probability of exceedance in 50 years for target ground motion. ) It includes epicenter, latitude, longitude, stations, reporting time, and date. The true answer is about ten percent smaller, 0.63.For r2* less than 1.0 the approximation gets much better quickly. ( This information becomes especially crucial for communities located in a floodplain, a low-lying area alongside a river. 1 The loss amount that has a 1 percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. r Magnitude (ML)-frequency relation using GR and GPR models. The selection of measurement scale is a significant feature of model selection; for example, in this study, transformed scale, such as logN and lnN are assumed to be better for additivity of systematic effects (McCullagh & Nelder, 1989) . 2) Every how many years (in average) an earthquake occurs with magnitude M? design engineer should consider a reasonable number of significant S187-S208.In general, someone using the code is expected either to get the geologic site condition from the local county officials or to have a geotechnical engineer visit the site. The Durbin-Watson test is used to determine whether there is evidence of first order autocorrelation in the data and result presented in Table 3. The recurrence interval, or return period, may be the average time period between earthquake occurrences on the fault or perhaps in a resource zone. The probability of exceedance (%) for t years using GR and GPR models. to 1000 cfs and 1100 cfs respectively, which would then imply more However, since the response acceleration spectrum is asymptotic to peak acceleration for very short periods, some people have assumed that effective peak acceleration is 2.5 times less than true peak acceleration. The 50-year period can be ANY 50 years, not just the NEXT 50 years; the red bar above can span any 50-year period. ) be reported to whole numbers for cfs values or at most tenths (e.g. Add your e-mail address to receive free newsletters from SCIRP. i The GR relation is logN(M) = 6.532 0.887M. T A single map cannot properly display hazard for all probabilities or for all types of buildings. N Share sensitive information only on official, secure websites. , x But we want to know how to calculate the exceedance probability for a period of years, not just one given year. The link between the random and systematic components is Because of these zone boundary changes, the zones do not have a deeper seismological meaning and render the maps meaningless for applications other than building codes. "Return period" is thus just the inverse of the annual probability of occurrence (of getting an exceedance of that ground motion). U.S. need to reflect the statistical probability that an earthquake significantly larger than the "design" earthquake can occur. event. Similarly for response acceleration (rate of change of velocity) also called response spectral acceleration, or simply spectral acceleration, SA (or Sa). All the parameters required to describe the seismic hazard are not considered in this study. Loss Exceedance Probability (Return Period) Simulation Year Company Aggregate Loss (USD) 36: 0.36% (277 years) 7059: 161,869,892: 37: . V The exceedance probability may be formulated simply as the inverse of the return period. This question is mainly academic as the results obtained will be similar under both the Poisson and binomial interpretations. ) be reported to whole numbers for cfs values or at most tenths (e.g. 0.4% Probability of Exceeding (250-Year Loss) The loss amount that has a 0.4 percent probability of being equaled or exceeded in any given year. The formula is, Consequently, the probability of exceedance (i.e. This video describes why we need statistics in hydrology and explains the concept of exceedance probability and return period. Peak Acceleration (%g) for a M6.2 earthquake located northwest of Memphis, on a fault at the closest end of the southern linear zone of modern . ) The maximum velocity can likewise be determined. 1e-6 1e-5 1e-4 1e-3 1e-2 1e-1 Annual Frequency of Exceedance. For this ideal model, if the mass is very briefly set into motion, the system will remain in oscillation indefinitely. to be provided by a hydraulic structure. . If you are interested in big events that might be far away, you could make this number large, like 200 or 500 km. x The approximate annual probability of exceedance is about 0.10(1.05)/50 = 0.0021. Figure 3. For example, a 10-year flood has a 1/10 = 0.1 or 10% chance of being exceeded in any one year and a 50-year flood has a 0.02 or 2% chance of being exceeded in any one year. The correlation value R = 0.995 specifies that there is a very high degree of association between the magnitude and occurrence of the earthquake. ( probability of occurrence (known as an exceedance curve) and selecting a return period which it is believed will deliver an adequate level of safety. The model selection information criteria that are based on likelihood functions and applications to the parametric model based problems are 1) Akaike information criterion (AIC): AIC procedure is generally considered to select the model that minimizes AIC = 2LL + 2d, where LL is the maximized log likelihood of the model given n observation, d is the dimension of a model. t = design life = 50 years ts = return period = 450 years If t is fixed and m , then P{N(t) 1} 0. The return period values of GPR model are comparatively less than that of the GR model. 1 If one wants to estimate the probabilistic value of spectral acceleration for a period between the periods listed, one could use the method reported in the Open File Report 95-596, USGS Spectral Response Maps and Their Use in Seismic Design Forces in Building Codes. Periods much shorter than the natural period of the building or much longer than the natural period do not have much capability of damaging the building. The spectrum estimated in Standard 2800 is based on 10 percent probability of exceedance within a 50-year period with a Return period of 475 years. N The significant measures of discrepancy for the Poisson regression model is deviance residual (value/df = 0.170) and generalized Pearson Chi square statistics (value/df = 0.110). A region on a map in which a common level of seismic design is required. , Similarly, the return period for magnitude 6 and 7 are calculated as 1.54 and 11.88 years. ( Probability of exceedance (%) and return period using GPR Model. , the 1% AEP event. + ( The following analysis assumes that the probability of the event occurring does not vary over time and is independent of past events. 1 Steps for calculating the total annual probability of exceedance for a PGA of 0.97% from all three faults, (a) Annual probability of exceedance (0.000086) for PGA of 0.97% from the earthquake on fault A is equal to the annual rate (0.01) times the probability (0.0086, solid area) that PGA would exceed 0.97%. A 1 in 100 year sea level return period has an annual exceedance probability of 1%, whereas a 1 in 200 year sea level has an annual exceedance probability of 0.5%. There are several ways to express AEP. 4.2, EPA and EPV are replaced by dimensionless coefficients Aa and Av respectively. derived from the model. The distance reported at this web site is Rjb =0, whereas another analysis might use another distance metric which produces a value of R=10 km, for example, for the same site and fault. The probability of exceedance ex pressed in percentage and the return period of an earthquake in ye ars for the Poisson re gression model is sho wn in T able 8 . + Mean or expected value of N(t) is. ( 2 In the existence of over dispersion, the generalized negative binomial regression model (GNBR) offers an alternative to the generalized Poisson regression model (GPR).

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