naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry


naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry

Kiba began to give you a small scratch, you smiled a bit and he saw it too, Akamaru then then started to wag his tail. You're not eating anymore un!" He huffs and turns back to sit in his seat. Alright.. You were ready to tease your poor boyfriend, Sorry, you were sexting him., Kuroo rolled his eyes, a hand already sneaking its way under your shirt. The love you felt for Kuroo was undeniably mutual, but you had to learn to trust your boyfriend. columbus high school basketball schedule. You had a million questions in your head as you sat in the stands with your friends, watching the game of Fukurdani vs Itachiyama. Whatever words he was going to say, to somehow excuse his behavior, died on his lips when you calmly raised your palm to stop him. It was a really dark scene, but there was a lot of flashing. You grab out all of your bags you can find and start ripping out your clothes from all the shelves and drawers. Hes almost to the chorus, when he pauses. Cole- When you get scared or worried your eyes go big and wide you look pretty funny so he just has to laugh and you playfully slap him after. #scenarios "Sorry for bothering." #narutoxreader But you knew that you had to see them together - see them in their element and see why. Your hands wrap around his neck, and your lips meet his. With wide eyes he would always rush to you and envelope you in a hug, pressing your face into the crook of his neck while his hands cradled your shoulders and head. You frowned, handing him the phone and biting out coldly. You just nod, so you dont cry again and wrap your arms around him. Oh I dont know my boyfriend just called me dumb. "See un! You sat up and said, "Hidan I wanna go home now." "D-Darui-kun. You're more of an idiot than Naruto." Instead, you held your frown and motioned to your phone,I got a bad text from my mom - I need to go home.. He was the little boy that you and Gabe had to babysit often. You gave a small giggle and wiped your face, you pulled back to see Sakura, you gave her a wave as she did the same back. "Sasuke You gave a small swallow as you headed towards the others as they waited for not only you but for Yamato sensei, you had tears and were sniffling, Yamato didn't say anything the whole walk. He blushes. All their little volleyball antics - it was always about Bokuto. I dont need an answer to confirm what youre thinking. You stated,Treat his heart kindly., Bokuto sputtered, raising his arms in defense. He also walked you to all of your classes and when you wanted something from another room, he would jump up to grab it. Okay, now step back. He orders, before hitting the spider off the fridge. You bit your lip, asking. Neji was probably the best person to comfort you when you were down. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry "It's okay." Kiba When Kiba got home, he was expecting to see you waiting for him on the couch, asleep or not, he gave a frown seeing Akamaru walk up to him with a small whine. You were quite silent and even or lazy than before ever since the brake up with Shikamaru. He was just looking at you, like he expected you to say something. It was Jordans mom. wholesale fashion jewelry by the dozen in los angeles > alaska expedition company >. Disclaimer: I do not own #anime Sorry this took longer than I said!! "Stay here." He was just looking at you, like he expected you to say something. I never found a reason for my existence until I met you." Tears fell down your cheeks, and you sniffed your nose. But thats all I can think about now he says. The rare times that you did, Sasuke would always sit quietly beside you no speaking, no touching; just a comforting presence to offer you an ounce of strength as you sorted through your emotions. I mean the honeymoon, the kids that would be fun! Gabe says mischievously. You were such a terrible girlfriend!! He was best at reading other people. ! Your voice was raising with every word, anger seeping through toward the middle-blocker. He played the last note. Was there something you needed? He asked nervously. But just imagine, getting into a really good university like Harvard, Stanford even Yale. You sigh, picturing yourself starting class at one of those universities. But then, a month later, you started seeing someone else. You squeal as Gabe touches your ticklish spot. You smiled and hugged him back, he gave a small smile too, hugging you more, when he pulled back, he wiped your last tear, kissing your forehead before standing up, holding onto your hand to lift you up. You sniffles and pushed your hair to the side, you gave widened eyes soon after you felt Jugo's arms wrap around you and his forehead resting on your back. #narutofatherscenarios But it was enough for Akaashi to notice your eyes, shooting a withered smile in your direction. You hear footsteps running up the stairs, so that made you pack faster. Happy Birthday Dalty. you say and rest your head on his shoulder. At least you thought that. Dont worry Y/N, youll figure it all out soon enough. He reassures you. You knew this and simply attributed it to his patience and overall ability to read people. Just tell me! you reply. Come in, in you whisper. What do you mean? you ask, confused. ;) -Tamia (gabes is coming next :p), youre old enough to pay for your own things. #nejixdeadreader You were hurt when Gaara cheated on you, again, with the exact same girl, then he broke up with you saying he doesn't want you anymore! Ah, thanks for clearing that up., Yamamoto paused before asking, Did my impassioned words led to a misunderstanding?. You balled up your fist, ready to just turn and punch him, but that probably wasnt a very good idea as he was driving and could crash the car you were in. A month later, you started to date Suigetsu! A few profanities slip from his mouth. He wanted you to feel comfortable while recovering. Im sure your words are the least of your problems tomorrow at practice. Kuroo answered this time, earning an anguished exclamation before the middle-blocker hung-up and threw the phone away. You and Will had both been so busy in the last few weeks that you hadnt seen each other much. Ok we got messages and stuff and it looks like you want us to start writing again! He looks up at the both of you, eyes fluttering. Can we go now?" So now you moved on. It looked like a spider had spun over its web 100 times. You run down the airport hallway to him and jump into his arms. "Even if I can't protect you from tears, I'll always be here. Why dont I show you what I was teaching him?. Cole- After you sprained your ankle, Cole actually went out his way to try and carry you everywhere. The phone had vibrated while he was out of the room and you were not trying to be nosy - calling his name that he received a notification and glancing at it briefly through the motion. #fanfiction Its pretty cute actually. #gaara It wasnt necessary, but you took him up on the offer a couple times when your ankle really hurt. He followed behind you as you traversed through your empty house. Now its your turn to blush. You and Suigetsu were in the water splashing each other, when you saw Sasuke and Karin in their towels. Good show, you smirk. You open the door and plop down on the seat. )Naruto "(Y/n)! Whats going on?, somycrushgavemehernumberbuticanttalktogirlsandididntwanttomessupsoiwaspracticingwhattosayonkurooandtherestandthentheygotmadsosometimesitextmyselffromtheirphonenumbersaspractice!. naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you crycampbell smith kalispell mt. And yet now you had in your hands evidence that none that was true. He grabs one of his old music books and starts swatting at the spider. That picture above though!! Most of the other students had already filled out of the gymnasium, out into the streets on their way home as you leaned against the cold railing. No! You turn and smile at him, Youre so talented babe. He smiles. But my teachers are sort of pushing our futures, like college, university, careers. You felt the onset of panic gripping your chest, threatening to force tears to the corners of your eyes. They were both laughing together, having a blast. Gabe- Gabe sits and watches Pretty Little Liars with you and just guesses that every new character he learns the name of, is A. ;p, Like I said before, PLEASE SEND/RESEND REQUESTS!! Browse through and read or take boyfriend scenarios stories, quizzes, and other creations. "What is it?" You quickly step back and follow him. "You'll be fine." Cole- Adventure Time! "Yeah baby let's go! Bokuto was at the top of his game today, none of his usual vices holding him down as he played against his rival, Sakusa. Oh I will find you! Gabe calls back. You giggle and go gather a bunch of blankets for snuggling on the couch. paparazzi clothing store. I didnt mean to say that, please forgive me so we can go to dinner, and you can wear whatever youd like. What!? What? you turn around and scream. You let out a deep breath, trying not to cry. Naruto saw Deidara kiss your lips and he growled. I hope you enjoy it! "You know. She clearly was a waste of time Sasuke!!!" Sai After smothering you with kisses, he'd spend the rest of the day acting goofier than normal just to get a smile back on that beautiful face. And so you simply turned back to your friends, rejoining the conversation with thoughts of the volleyball team long behind you. Well, go on, kill it! he pushes you towards it. And yet now, his close proximity brought nothing but anxiety and anger. Oh hi Will! We love IM5 ok. Colmia & Datyana forever<3 Cole ~ Dana. "(Y/n)." I tried to let him go, once. Bokuto continued,When you first started dating, I tried and couldnt.. You made eye contact with him, you then wrapped both arms around his neck and hugged him tightly with a small smile, he hugged you back just as tight. He turns to you. Before you were even dating, you remembered that Kuroo particularly agreed with many of her features: long-hair, mild temper, and good grades even in college prep classes. He smiles back and carries you to the living room where you check your twitters, watch videos, and do a USTREAMsafer things, for the rest of the day. oop lmao hope you enjoyed these short stories! While he showed an extreme amount of patience and rationale talking you through your fits, he learned quickly that your attention span was shorter than your emotional outbursts. You had totally forgot that he was still there. He smiles and wraps his arm around you to pull you closer before kissing the top of your head. Finally Ino noticed you and gasped. You were cuddling under a bunch of blankets. Jugo gave parted lips, about to reach for you but instead he took a couple more steps to you, sitting on the grass on his knees. Why progress this far in your relationship? Im not coming in here again. You grab basically everything you could want for the night, and run back to the living room. Later, you go out for dinner and go outside, run though some sprinklers just for the hell of it on the way home and settle with his favourite movies. Aww! But dont let that creep you out! I think so too, Y/N. he agrees. You don't want that to happen." ! Gabe exclaims, hurt clear on his face as he realised you were leaving. Hon. You may not see it for I wear shades." Wereany of the promises Akaashi told you true? You run over and open the door. "Yeah we should go. You held the phone to your chest, there was no way you could feign a reaction now. Oh nothing. He says, blushing deeper now. You lingered on the sight for a single second. Most of the time, he would cradle you to his chest and let you cry in silence. Shikamaru wiped underneath your eye with his thumb while the other hand stayed in his pocket, you gave a small smile and looked at him, you saw him give a small smirk before he brought your forehead to his chest after kissing it. Do you want me to help? he offers. "Sasori hon, can we go?" Teach me something. You say. You looked down with the edge of your lips curled, he walked away and back to the others, you wiped your face and smiled. You relaxed, Sai's chin rested on your head as he shut his eyes, rubbing your back lightly, you felt yourself tear more, you then hugged him just as tight back with a small sigh after he stroked your hair. He stays up late with you, until it looks perfect. I came to see if (Y/n) sensei would like to join us but." More to come soon hoped you enjoyed this. Fine. He says and leaves. Yet he couldn't help but find beauty in the tears the way your eyes would glisten, the shade of your irises brightening, the pink in your cheeks and nose. He had fallen asleep, and he looked so peaceful. They were not the loving terms of endearment you believed them to be. #sasukexreader "Sakura." No. you mumble, swiping the tears from your cheeks. They were already on the road to love before you even reallyknew Akaashi. There was so much you wanted to just yell at him, but at the same time you knew this was the man who held your heart. You and Kuroo-san are spending your day off together?. You had spent an entire 6 months away from each other. You smile, What? you say. The words were so fast, you held the phone closer to your ear in an attempt to decipher anything that was just said. He was so impatient. Dalton- After 3 of your fingers were broken on the same hand, Dalton made sure to carry all of your things, even though you had another hand. You nodded in agreement, not trusting your voice. You wanted to hear it! you add. Will! Your eyes slightly widened and you gave a small smile, shutting your eyes and leaning more into Neji when his chin rested on your head and he placed his other arm around you, his eyes shut as he gave a deep sigh through his nose. Oh nothing you say in a high-pitched voice, rolling your eyes in an Im-up-to-no-good way. It was even accompanied by owl emojis of all things - as if there was anything cute about your boyfriends affair. After some lengthy conversations about empathy and compassion, he took on a different approach. You screech and jump up into Gabes arms bridal style. You dont think I could get into those universities?? You punch playfully at his back and kick your legs around in attempt to get down. When he placed a hand on your atom you moved away with a smile, Kiba gave a small laugh then kissed your cheek, stroking your hair, pulling you to him with a smirk. "What the hell!!" Your confusion was only growing. What will make it better? naruto boyfriend scenarios when he makes you cry . Open up it's just me." No no, please dont cry Y/N, Imsosorry. You wipe away the tears as he sets you on his bathroom counter. You then were pulled into Kakashi's chest with both arms, he hugged you tightly after getting off the desk, you smiled and hugged him back. It made you wonder what he did with them. Bokuto kept your question rhetorical, for once staying uncharacteristically silent. You didnt want to listen to her voice, listen to whatever she was going to say when she picked up the phone. Your eyes kept following the scene, the game playing out while you stood stock-still among your friends. Naruto walked over to Ino who was behind the counter at that time, and you were drawing, ignoring the world.

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