lucius plugs harry fanfiction


lucius plugs harry fanfiction

Warnings: consensual infidelity Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Author:bev_crusher1971 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Other(s) Yours Prequel of Goodbye Alice in Wonderland (WIP). Author: George Pushdragon Author: RileyLFinn Summary: Dobbys stares, Harry could handle. He will have a child. Rating: NC-17 Only The Best Summary: Harry wants to play a game Challenge fic set down by hijo de muerte. Written for Beloved Enemies Dictionary Drabble word of performance. Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 The Way You Look Tonight While he waits, he remembers the important moments of their history together. Apparently, the child creates a binding contract between himself and Harry. Cazzo* Not So Speechless After All, sequel to Speechless* Rating: NC-17 Rating: R Warnings: multiple kinks, parody Summary: Harry thought his summer was going alright, he got to hang out with his boyfriend Cedric and his best friend Bella. It hadnt, even after almost three years. Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Summary: Warning reader, danger! As things arent working Hermione and Luna come up with a final plan: Time Travel. My First* (You Bet) Summary: Lucius is escorting his grandchild onto Platform 9-3/4, when he spots Harry with two children. Warnings: threesome Warnings: female!Harry Ser Ronald Weasley, a knight and captain of the guard at Godric's Hollow, never thought he would one day become Uncle Ron to the children of his sworn-brother and childhood friend. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Harry belongs to Voldemort; a pet, a slave and nothing more. Which leads to a few other changes. Author: tarie Author: scarletscarlet (ships_harry) Author: Twisted Mind Rating: NC-17 Stepping Up Summary: 5 years, 5 rooms of Malfoy Manor- Lucius and Harry carry on. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: non con, multiple partners Leave it to Draco to bring the hero into their home. Author: Hijja Summary: A series of Vignettes chronicles the fall of Wizarding Society, the rise of the Dark, and the resistance. Dracos Surprise Summary: I own you, make no mistake about that, but I remember how you were before you were owned and I am arrogant enough to want that creature in my bed because he wants to be there.. Summary: Lucius Malfoy is saved from the Dementors Kiss by Harry Potter. Chemistry sounded cool when he was younger, and potions is about a million times better. Rating: R Summary: Challenge #14 for the Beloved Enemies FQF: Severus Snape, Lucius Malfoy and Remus Lupin all try and win Harry over. Warnings: BDSM, mind games, darkfic Just Once, sequel to Kiss It Better Author: Rushlight Warnings: character bashing Slave Spell Pairings: Harry/Lucius, implied Harry/Severus Summary: Lucius Malfoy is missing only one piece in his most prized collection. Author: Minxie Rating: R Summary: Harry and Hayley are twins. Summary:Harry has killed Voldemort. Draco wants Severus, and will do whatever it takes to get him. Rating: R Author: starrysummer Warnings: voyeurism Warnings: bloodplay, bondage, breath play, D/s, underage, first time, torture Summary: Harry wants the one thing he cant have, so he settles for a replacement. A Malfoys Ways Pairings: Snape/Lucius/Harry Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius returns to the Manor late one evening to find Harry entertaining a most unwelcome guest. Harry works in a gay club Cazzo and hes rather slutty. Refined Tastes Yet he was. Summary: A pleasant day out for Harry and Draco goes wrong when Lucius takes an interest in Harry. Regret Is Like Poison* Author: Jaylee Warnings: AU, OOC,mpreg Even if that child does not come from Cygnus Black. Lucius knows something about the Death Chamber / Veil, and Harry will do (almost) anything to get the information. Incubus Heart Rating: NC-17 Summary: Angst song-fic. Warnings: underage Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco, Lucius/Draco Potter Pan Willful Hearts, sequel to Contractual Obligations Author: Sestra_Prior At age 24 he has a happy life among the Muggles. Summary: A Harry Potter meets his best friends father the summer before his second year. Author: keikokin Or is he? Rating: NC-17 Author: George Pushdragon Warnings: multiple partners, threesomes, crossdressing, Summary: The light has lost the war and Harry is given to Lucius Malfoy as a pet. Author: Rushlight Rating: R Author: nevercanreadenough Remus and Severus get sneaky and help Harry find the man of his virgin dreamswith a bit of help from Draco and his fianc. Summary: Lucius can see exactly for what Potters waiting. His Lord is displeased. Author: Skye Author: keikokin Summary: HP Remix. Then, during sex, Lucius reverts back to his actual self, how does Harry take the news? Warnings: BDSM, underage, humiliation I love you. Comfortably Numb You will not even think my name. "Not tired." "Come now, you can play more tomorrow." Draco said as he stood and began to move towards the child. Disserviced Gold, part 1 of Larry snippets Warnings: Snarry centric, non con, squick prone Everything in this story is more book based then movie based. Author: wintervixen86 Author: The Drow Author: gmth Summary:He woke up and found himself alone in bed. Rating: PG-13 Author: Minxie In the Blood of the Traitor (Theyll Find Freedom)* Summary: Harry didnt want to disappoint him. Warnings: violence, torture Author: Hijja It is here that he finds a Master in somebody he never expected. Will Harry ever find contentment under the roof of the Malfoys? Easy Prey Summary: Two years after the war, and Lucius is back in a position of power as if hes never been gone. Wilderness Whore 4 AO3**| FFN Wrapped Up In You Warnings: dubcon, D/s, torture Author: Lomonaaeren Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Snape, Harry/Draco, Harry/Other And Harry has enough trouble with logical deduction without those blasted butterflies. Author: curia_regis He was patient. Rating: NC-17 Summary: Post-war. Impregnated during his confinement and afraid of the expected response, he runs from the Wizarding World. Summary:Harry and Lucius find out theres no reason to hide. Summary:How does Lucius react when the grounds are being over run by golf balls? Rating: NC-17 Warnings: prostitution, mild voyeurism, BDSM Summary: Walls, wards, and restraining orders, are not enough to keep Lucius from seeing the daughter Harry bore against his will. Rating: M Summary: Harry answers a personals ad in the Daily Prophet. Rating: NC-17 Warnings: drabble Rating: NC-17 Author: Mello McQueen Whose Turn? Rating: R Summary: A fast moving parody of the movie Liar, Liar. En Las Montaas How far will he go, and will he end up with a trick or treat for the Ball? Warnings: torture, non con And a handy, dandy, expensive heirloom. Rating: R Pairings: Lucius/Harry, Lucius/Blaise, Harry/Draco, implied Draco/Blaise But he really does try. Author: bleudiablo Montagues Law* Summary: Remus has been a solitary creature for most of his life. Summary: Lucius has Harry exactly where he wants him. Warnings: bloodplay, breath play, BDSM, background character death, dark Heed Him Warnings: crack!fic Pleasures of the Flesh (Anonymous). Author: lastcrazyhorn Summary: Harry catches a nasty virus and it changes his whole life. Summary: Post-war, Harry feels misplaced and sick of the role he plays. Rating: R Rating: NC-17 Warnings: minor character death Rating: T Warnings: non con, violence, character death Warnings: violence, implied non con, darkish Heated* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/multiple Summary: The only way to ensure you get what you want is by dreaming for getting it. Rating: R Vengeance, part 5 of Lucius/Harry Stories Author: The Plot Bunny Whisperer Summary: An old contract is brought to light that forces Harry to marry one of the Malfoys! Author: Sestra_Prior Summary: In answer to a challenge:: A telepathic bond is formed between Lucius and Harry. The Dark Side of Reason* Summary: They took his world away from him. A little bit of the usual dashed with some of the not so usual. Hed only dreamt of it. Author:MarauderNextGen Bet (on you) Author: ladyofsd Warnings: warfic Umbridge is still at large, and Hermione has learned who the Boss is, but at a price. It is a place that can free you from your anguish and suffering. Warnings: non con, darkfic The snow. Summary: The missing kiss scene in Green Lights, then he kissed me and I thought I was dying. Summary: Happy Birthday, Harry. A Thank You Kiss Rating: NC-17 tip: lex m/m (mature OR explicit). Guarding Lucius Malfoy should have just been another such duty. Warnings: mpreg, infidenlity, F/M, original characters Summary:Ever wonder what Snape does during his summer breaks? Rating: NC-17 Author: Stardind Rating: NC-17 Summary: Blaise and Draco are getting married, and as Lucius musician boyfriend, Harry Potter is expected to sing them a song. Summary: Lucius looks back on his life and looks forward to reuniting with Harry again. Summary: When Harry loses his memory, Lucius supplies a new set. Summary: Maeglin Yedis post-OotP challenge: How does Lucius escape, and how does he confront Harry afterwards. Whimsical, part 2 of Larry snippets Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Draco/Snape One Last Connection* Author: imera Summary: As is to be expected. Author: Dovahkin91 Author: dracos_slut12 Theres No Point In Living If You Cant Feel Alive If only he could recall the right turn.. Author: Elpin A Father Again Warnings: violence Rating: R Warnings: non con, underage, child abuse, mental health issues, minor character death, violence, drug use, PTSD, magical castration, missing persons, evil!Dumbledore, some het Potentia* When Under Goodness Wicked Lies Author: Twisted Mind Feathers of Black and White a Harry Potter Fanmix Author: goseaward Warnings: mpreg, mass murder, character bashing Author: shyngr8 Summary: Lucius has a gallery. Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Severus, Harry/Severus Rating: NC-17 Summary: All good things come to those who wait. Author: andx06s A Plan of Pleasure Warnings: multiple partners, double penetration, BDSM Summer Fun Forbidden Love Warnings: AU Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Severus, Harry/Charie, Charlie/Severus, Severus/Lucius Summary:OS with LuciusxHarry and little Lucien. Author: storm_of_sharp_things You will be begging me for more and hating yourself for it. Lucius said, before kissing Harry roughly. Rating: PG-13 Summary: Draco is interested in Harry and invites him to the Manor but Harry is interested in Lucius. Rating: R Of those, there were even fewer who would be shadowing him in the middle of a rather humid summer day, covered head to feet in cloth. Lucius plays the role of temptation and asks him to use it again. What if all three of them turn out to want the same thing, which is a relationship? Author: ishafel Little Bundle of Joy Author: Sinclairum Author: Blood Dragon (Treetop) Summary:For some reason, Lucius stopped aging when Narcissa left and now he cant understand why. The Pleasures of Company * Summary: All things seem wonderful until the dream fades. Two years have passed and its the night of Harrys 17th birthday. Author: alafaye Summary: Pansy Parkinson babysits one night for Harry Potter and snoops around to determine who the other parent is and uncovers a secret. Warnings: underage, dun con, minor character death, violence, forced marriage, multiple partners, het Swallow Lucius takes care of him. Warnings: non con, violence Rating: M Upon the Fall Warnings: character death, dubcon Unexpected Encounter Happy Victory Day Author: Minxie Rating: PG Summary: Harry sets his sights on Lucius Malfoy. Secrets Summary: Lucius Malfoy learns the definition of hero. Warnings: non con Will things run smoothly for then? Summary: The Malfoy Manor is eerily empty, only the stench of something hanging heavily in the air. When Do You Trust In An Enemy Rating: R Over the Table Rating: R Trust us to take care of you* Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Severus Warnings: paddling Warnings: AU, EWE, gender bending Summary:Harry James Malfoy spends three Christmas days at the Burrow with his new kinky husband, Lucius Malfoy. # 3. Author: Snarry5evr However, a year later he was suddenly taken from his cell to meet a man who would become his new Master. Author: keikokin Summary: Harry is a werewolf. Healing, sequel to Broken Shows what happens to the trios lives after their world has been trashed. Everyone is looking for him. Warnings: non con Summary: The side of the Light lost, and Harry becomes the consort of Lucius Malfoy. Pairings: Harry/Draco, Harry/Lucius Author: Juxian Tang Snow Is Beautiful Captive Rating: NC-17 Vampires and vengeance. Noble Blood Proceed with caution. Author:Meatball Rating: PG-13 Rating: R Not Master Severus, Just Severus* Warnings: major character death, non con, violence, F/M, mpreg, memory alternation Warnings: non con, bondage, bukkake What happens when that person is seventeen year old Harry Potter? Sequel: Willful Hearts Harrys Wish* Rating: NC-17 Author: amanuensis Rating: PG Time was against him. Rating: NC-17 Rating: M Sweet Nothings Warnings: threesome, voyeurism Author: Joey Penn Da Mi Basia Mille Summary:The International Confederation of Wizards has ruled that all persons under the age of 17 shall marry into a pureblood family if they desire to remain in the wizarding world. Warnings: character death Rating: NC-17 Author: isabeau gower Sequel: After the Tide has Turned Rating: R Rating: PG-13 Summary: Lucius Malfoy has woken up to a cold bed, all on his own, for that Harry Potter must pay the consequences. Warnings: dub con, bondage, voyeurism Rating: NC-17 Harry kept pushing his ass back in thrusts, making both of them moan. Author: Lady Bekka/draconic_girl Post Hogwarts. Summary: While Lucius gives a speech in front of the student body, Harry intends to prank the arrogant man. Summary: In Harrys sixth year, Voldemort has discovered how to manipulate Harrys dreams. Summary: The boys celebrate the holidayin their own way. Summary: The war is lost. Rating: R Harry discovers in an unusual way that Lucius is a veela and he is his mate. Sequel: And Another Life Begins* Warnings: underage, non magic AU, non con, character death, violence Author: Nymphadora/JsPrincess Summary:Harry just got back. Summary: Lucius and Harry are opposing knights in a tournament. Rating: T Lucius learns the hard way when he catches Harry, but something happens and its not so obvious who the cat is and who the mouse is anymore. Summary: After the war, everybody wants to make decisions for Harry, Lucius is one of the few that doesnt and maybe thats what drew him to the man first, after all Malfoy knew everything about being controlled, a strange mix of times, places and events about two people preparing for Christmas. Author:Spring Witch Warnings: mpreg Author: Meet Me in the Dark Summary:Survivors guilt has taken away Harrys will to live. Warnings: gore, blood play, knifeplay Except for when it doesnt. Summary: Lord Voldemort employs an unusual method to test Lucius Malfoys loyalties using Harry Potter. Summary: Lucius knew that, although Harry loved him, he also suffered private doubts over being in love with the man who had endangered two of his best friends in his second year and fought on the other side of the war. Rating: NC-17 Voldemort can think of a use for a phoenix too. Summary: The Potters had a set of twins. Rating: NC-17 Pairings: Harry/Lucius, Harry/Draco Author: Shivani Rating: NC-17 Author:La Feu Eterne Summary: Harry takes Lucius out of Azkaban to use him as a guide to Voldemorts destruction, but Lucius is tired of being helpless. Warnings: non con Summary: Harry wants something different for Valentines. Warnings: top!Harry Author: potion_lady A Dictionary Drabble based on the word ameliorate., Sequel: Proof Enough Rating: NC-17 Rating: PG-13 Author: GhostIsReading Rating: NC-17 Warnings: D/s, crossdressing Rating: NC-17 Holding On Warnings: violence, mpreg, OOC Warnings: dark!Harry, character death, non con, violence, bestiality Author: purple mangosteen Summary: Lucius picks up a young orphaned Harry off the streets while in Diagon Alley and takes him home as his new boy.. Pairings: Harry/Lucius/Snape Shop Full Width; Shop With Sidebar; . Truth Or Dare? Warnings: bondage, voyeurism Author: WereBunny87 Warnings: infidelity Author: keikokin Rating: NC-17 Obsession Kings of the Wheel Innocence of the Young Warnings: underage, child abuse, non con Rating: R The potion was placed in the bathroom cabinet in case Harry wished to take it again. Warnings: underage Warnings: A/B/O, breeding kink, knotting, royalty!AU Rating: NC-17 Rating: NC-17 Summary: Lucius will do whatever it takes to free his son from the Potter brat. Summary:An Outlander Fusion (no knowledge of Outlander needed at all). Pairings: Lucius/Harry/Draco Rating: R Author: Hijja Author: Nimori He dies at his hands. Warnings: AU, OC, creature inheritance, character bashing WM Archive | Chinese translation | Italian translation**.

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