johnstown flood bodies found


johnstown flood bodies found

7 congress gaiters. Red and black barred blue woolen stockings. Draft for $275 Cash $32.70. Valuables placed in hands of her son Patrick. Red hair. Large gold ring on third finger of left hand. Coleman, Neil M., Wojno, Stephanie, and Kaktins, Uldis. $47.16. Button shoes. Barred woolen pantalettes with waist. Weight 145 pounds. Gray hair. She is one . Male Age twenty. One plaited ring. Female. Two bodies. Sacque with beads. Female. Male. Button gaiters. Age forty Black pants. Female. Female. Male. Gray mixed undershirt Red flannel shirt. Weight 145. They carted off debris, distributed food, and erected temporary housing. Dark gray pants with small black stripes. Small purse. Weight 160. Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. Badge of Junior Mechanics 43 cents in change. $4.65 in money. Dress alternate black and red with black flowers. One gold ring, cameo setting. McAuliff Little girl baby in her arms when found. An autograph album near her hand belonged to Blanche S. Wilson. Age thirteen. Gold watch chain. McK No 1698 Pocket-book Pocket-knife No money No on grave is 332, Weight 140 Height 5 feet Heavy jacket with heavy cord Dress with large pearl buttons in front. Male. Female. Female. Female. It's like the Johnstown Flood in PA in the 19th century. Silver ring and gold ring on second finger of left hand. Large. Blue and red stripe waist. Porous plaster on breast. Tape measure. Conemaugh Borough. Black wool skirt with stripe. Figured wrapper. Button shoes. Below stomach teeth and two side teeth. Of Maple avenue, Woodvale. Plain cloth dress. Reddish brown hair. Throwing his locomotive into reverse, he raced backward toward East Conemaugh, the whistle blowing constantly. 135 pounds. Red flannel skirt. Age about thirty. A lady about twenty-five years of age. The fire burned for three days. Sandy beard and moustache. Light hair. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Female Weight 120 Height 5 feet 6 inches Heavy plaid jacket with marble shaped buttons, Male Age twelve to fourteen Black corduroy coat, with two plaits down the back. Male. Male child, a few days old. Striped flannel shirt. Pocket-book with $30. Height 5 feet 10 inches. White. Blue eyes. Flannel shirt. Light calico dress with black figures. Bodies filled morgues in Johnstown and river towns downstream until relatives came to identify them. Black pants. White and black checkered body. Brown wool hose, white feet. 15 cents. One set diamond ear-drops. Age unknown. Age fifteen. High-buttoned shoes. How many victims were never identified in the Johnstown flood? Son of J. L. Smith, marble cutter. Brown and mixed cotton socks. Age about thirty-five. No clothing. Red flannel barred red and black. Gray eyes. Buried at No. Weight about 105. Weighs about one hundred and eighty. Son of John W. Peydon, 179 Clinton street. Auburn hair. Boy. Age eight. Burnt beyond recognition. Buttoned shoes with spring heels. Red or sandy hair. About fifteen years. Like. Female. Female Age about forty-five. Blue coat and vest. Saloonkeeper on Washington street. Dark complexion. "[23], Nonetheless, individual members of the South Fork Club, millionaires in their day, contributed to the recovery in Johnstown. Body in advanced stage of decomposition. Age about thirty. Weight about 75. Ring on left hand. Blue undershirt Short stockings. All toes off left foot except small one. Apron of check shirting. Received valuables of 267. Eighty. Face mangled. Wore long stockings marked H. S. T. Female. Black cheviot coat, knee pants, coat pleated in front White waist figured with dog's head and red collar. Of Woodvale's 1,100 residents, 314 died in the flood. of M.C. Dark brown hair. Age twenty. Valuables given to his aunt, Ella Mulhern. Plain heavy gold ring on third finger of left hand. Sister of Capt. Female. Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Male. Valuables given to G.A. Heavy jersey. Silver watch. Two rings with clover leaf pearl set. Open-faced silver watch. Weight 200. Band ring on third finger of left hand. Age about twenty. Black alpaca coat. $2.56 money. Light hair. Supposed to be Maggie Hipp. Encyclopdia Britannica. Taken by his brother, Charles W. Female Fair. Age eighteen. Purse and small iron key on a ring. Female. Full face. Purple suit. Light hair. On June 5, 1889, five days after the flood, the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE) appointed a committee of four prominent engineers to investigate the cause of the disaster. Male. Age about three years. In Commodore Perry's expedition in Japan, that opened up the first treaty. The body of one victim was found more than 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio. [10] These alterations are thought to have increased the vulnerability of the dam. Plain ring on finger of right hand. Supposed to be Katie Fitzharris. Weight 30. Blue and white barred cotton dress Brown hair, plaited with ribbon. Weight 120. Weight 65. Male. Black hair. Gingham apron. Gum sling in pocket. Bracelet on left wrist. Seventy-five cents in coin. Male. Scapulary. Navy blue vest and pants. Sandy hair. Jean pants. Checkered knee pants. Little black waist Red undershirt. Age eight. Blue skirt with short stripes of black braid in front. Blue striped flannel shirt. 7. Working clothes. Female. Male. Age nine. Large. Belt of same goods as coat. Checkered apron. Blue chevoit suit. Black and white striped pants. Six years. Light hair. Male child. The festival will take place Aug. 4-5. Height about 4 feet 6 inches. Weight 150. Coleman, Neil M., Kaktins, Uldis, and Wojno, Stephanie (2016). Catholic. Male. Brown hair. Dark dress. Age twenty-one to twenty-five. Dark hair. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Dark hair. Age eight years. Dark pants. Female. Button shoes. Height 3 feet 8 inches. Weight 140. Purse with key. Height 3 feet 6 inches. Purse with seventeen cents. Red waist Wore a truss. In 2008, the bridge was restored in a project including new lighting as part of commemorative activities related to the flood. Philadelphia has made "the most livable city" rank for two years in a row. Burnt and unrecognizable. Male. Valuables given to Alex. Eyes burned out. Age six. Door key. White undershirt. Black clothes, with patch on trouser knees. Large. Pleated underwaist. Female. Identified by brother. Blue eyes. One black stocking and one button shoe. Age sixteen. The body of one victim was found more than 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio. Male. Twelve years. Black dress. Pocket-knife. Hazel eyes. Brown hair. This led to American law changing from a fault-based regime to one of strict liability. Full suit of clothes of brown and red and black checkers. Female. A presentation on the diaries will be given this coming week, marking the 118th anniversary of the flood, before the collection is made a part of the Johnstown Flood Museum's permanent exhibit by 2009. Brown hair. Sandy hair. Weight 120. Male. [15] From his idle locomotive in the town's railyard, the engineer John Hess heard and felt the rumbling of the approaching flood. Knee pants and brown and black striped, good. Dark brown hair. Two bunches of keys. Red hair. Aged. Very light mustache. Height 5 feet. Gray woolen sack. Age about sixty. Catholic. Fifty-seven minutes after the dam collapsed, the flood hit Johnstown. height. Hulbert house, Johnstown, Pa. Two plain gold rings, one marked "Sister" inside. Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Bible. Sandy hair. Male child. Large lips. Blue and white striped waist. "Rool" with W.H. Ear-drops, enameled black, with blue setting. Light complexion. Three right teeth out. Buried at St. John's, June 9th. Dark striped velvet basque or overskirt, with ruffled fringe trimmings. Blue eyes. Very bad condition. Blue calico dress. Female. Age about one year. [1] Barton arrived on June 5, 1889, to lead the group's first major disaster relief effort; she did not leave for more than five months. Weight 100. Burned beyond recognition. Number 4 shoes. Black pants. Mouth-organ. Age thirty. Medium size. Brown hair Gray eyes. Neither was Harry and Lula Teeters' home in Mineral Point. White dress trimmed with embroidery. Gold ring enameled. Female. Blue and white striped waist Pearl button coat, gray, black and red mixed, wool. Bunch of keys. Brownish red hair. Most remained on top of the dam, some plowing earth to raise it, while others tried to pile mud and rock on the face to save the eroding wall. Light hair. B. Bickenton, June 28th, and taken to Philadelphia for internment. Long white dress. Markers on a corner of City Hall at 401 Main Street show the height of the crests of the 1889, 1936, and 1977 floods. Oak-leaf breast-pin with three glass sets. Grand View, June 15th. Red knit skirt. Black hair. White underwear. Black and gray striped skirt. Penknife and buttonhook. No valuables. Small plain ring on left hand. His family survived the flood. Weight 150. Collar buttons. Watch. Female. Weight 50. Rosary and scapula left on body. Full face. Age forty. David McCullough has twice received the . New Orleans. Ladies' hunting-case gold watch. Two-collar buttons, one a pearl, the other gold plated with set. Blue calico dress with white dots. Brown eyes. Gray eyes. Age six months. Eyes unknown. Knit shirt. Age thirty to forty. Large. Black handle knife, two blades broken 11 cents in change. 99 entire families were wiped out, 396 of them, children. Weight about 110. Red sacque with blue trimming. Woolen stockings. Gum boots. Wore No. Red cloth dress. Black stockings. Fair complexion. Home knit wool stockings Brown and white spotted necktie. Light brown hair Gray eyes. Supposed to be Mrs. Brown or Mrs. Holmes. Two pocket pieces. Child. Two strips of muslin tied around the body. Brown socks. Buttoned shoes. Female. Six people, including the owner Mr. Schultz, were inside the house when the flood hit. Boy baby. Age twenty-three. Can't remove them. Black jersey, large buttons. Male. Go. Dam-breach hydrology of the Johnstown Flood of 1889 Challenging the findings of the 1891 investigation report. Brown hair. Little boy. Small button shoe spring heel. Medium weight. Package of Japanese headache cure. Quite aged. Small earrings. Flannel shirt. Heavy laced shoes. Brown overalls. Souvenir of Father Hollinger's scapular. Female. Female. Pair of overalls. About. Of Company C, 14th Regiment Penna. Fair complexion. Long black hair. Wife of H. K. Smith, of Osborne, Green co, Ohio. Female. South Fork, Female. Child. No valuables. Red flannel underclothing. (Worse than Herod's awful crime) Aged about thirty Blind in right eye. Hair black. Green cloth dress Blue checkered apron and white apron underneath Gold ring with red set. Market street, Johnstown, Pa. Open faced gold watch. Overall, I'd rather have a flood hit a brewery and be filled with barrels than barbed wire. Age about twenty-five. Dark brown eyes Pocket-book containing $43.35. Age fourteen years. The Johnstown Flood of 1889 Challenging the Findings of the ASCE Investigation Report. 7, p.216. Blue calico waist. On Day Express. A female. The Youghiogheny River cuts through Laurel Ridge in Ohiopyle. Pocket-book. Age thirteen. Green, black and brown barred pants Gold hunting-case watch and chain. Recognized by his father. Stocking supporters. Rather heavy build. Small heart on right arm. Age about sixty Weight about 140. height about 5 feet 6 inches. Many people were crushed by pieces of debris, and others became caught in barbed wire from the wire factory upstream and/or drowned. A flood that could easily have been prevented. Brown sacque. Silver watch and chain. Sent to Prospect. Age eight months. Light hair. The Johnstown Flood: Directed by Irving Cummings. Body shipped to Indiana, Pa., via. The small town of Mineral Point, one mile (1.6km) below the viaduct, was the first populated place to be hit with this renewed force. Male. Red flannel skirt. Weight about 150. Describe the flood that devastated Johnstown. Supposed to have been a passenger east bound train. Two door keys One comb Penknife Pocket-book. High-buttoned shoes. White canton flannel drawers. Long brown curly hair. Wart on left shoulder. Light complexion Blue waist. Baby. [19] At ASCE's annual convention in June 1890, committee member Max Becker was quoted as saying, We will hardly [publish our investigation] report this session, unless pressed to do so, as we do not want to become involved in any litigation.[19] Although many ASCE members clamored for the report, it was not published in the society's transactions until two years after the disaster, in June 1891. Taken by Jack Watkins, Walnut Grove. Female. Black dress and bustle Plain gold ring on third finger of left hand. White and black or blue striped collar. Male. When the flood hit, it picked up the still-moving locomotive off the tracks and floated it aside; Hess himself survived, but at least fifty people died, including about twenty-five passengers stranded on trains in the village. White dress with spots. Age about forty. Bunch of keys. Female. 1869.") No clothing whatever. Female. Height 2 feet 6 inches. Weight about 140. Female About thirteen years. . Female. Cotton undershirt. Hair black. Female. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Male. Continuing on its way downstream to Johnstown, 14 miles (23km) west, the water picked up debris such as trees, houses, and animals. Age thirty. Open (silver) thimble. Valuables taken by T.J. Espey. The scale of the Johnstown flood of 1889 is difficult to visualize. No valuables. Age not known. Dark wool pants. Of firm of George G. Marshall & Co. Silver watch (open face), chain Pocket knife. Memorandum book of slaughter house, having a list of hides in it. Weight 150. Black vest. Black ribbed hose. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Light hair. Weight 150. Gingham apron. White. 11 cents in pocket-book. Age about forty-five. Black and white stripe wool skirt. Portions of the Stone Bridge have been made part of the Johnstown Flood National Memorial, established in 1969 and managed by the National Park Service. Valuables in hands of Mrs. Ella Gurley. Height 5 feet 5 inches. Brown hair. 7. "Statistics about the great disaster", Johnstown Flood Museum,, "Frank Shomo, Infant Survivor Of Johnstown Flood, Dies at 108", "Arizona's 1890 dam disaster killed more than 100 people - The Prescott Daily Courier - Prescott, Arizona", "THE ARIZONA DISASTER. (2017). Found in arms of Miss Brown. Light complexion. Black guard to it. Bunch of keys. Silver ring left hand. Brown striped dress. Age twelve. Forehead slightly narrow. Age about fourteen. Age about ten years. This is the last of the six Indiana Co., Pa., bodies Nos 153, 154, 155, 156, 157, 158. Brown hair plaited and tied in knot in back. Black corkscrew coat and vest. Female. Breast-pin. Female About eight. Bar pin with red settings. Female. Age of woman 45. Initials R. A. W. Valuables. Heavy jersey or coat badly torn. Female. Weight about 25 pounds. Female. Knife. Match safe. Portage street, Conemaugh Borough. Blue calico dress. Male. Male. Age twelve. Ring on right forefinger. Leather boots. Wore scapulars. Weight 100 Height 5 feet 6 inches. Two rings on left hand. No valuables. Summarizing the floods impact in statistics and facts is a quick way to convey the enormity of the event. 20 years in drug store. Age eight years. All other clothing gone. Kid gloves in pocket. Breast-pin shape of star. Brought from Presbyterian Church Morgue, No. Height 4 feet 4 inches. Silver pencil. Bunch of keys. This is the list as published on July 31, . Thirty-eight years. Thirty-five years. Plaid dress, belt with two buckles. The idea was to let more water out of the lake to try to prevent overtopping of the crest, but without success. Canton flannel drawers. Light brown hair, slightly gray. Privacy Policy | Terms of Service, Membership, archives, facility rentals & more, Johnstown Flood Museum/Heritage Discovery Center/Cultural Programming, Johnstown Children's Museum/Children's Programming, Los Lobos to headline AmeriServ Flood City Music Festival 2023, 99 entire families died, including 396 children, More than 750 victims were never identified and rest in the Plot of the Unknown in Grandview Cemetery, Bodies were found as far away as Cincinnati, and as late as 1911, Four square miles of downtown Johnstown were completely destroyed, The pile of debris at the stone bridge covered 30 acres, Flood lines were found as high as 89 feet above river level. Large gold button, oval shape, engraved. Female. Female. Catholic. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Male. . Light complexion. Hazel eyes. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Dark hair. Blue striped calico dress Gray striped flannel underwear. Height 4 feet 7 inches. Slim waist. Three watch chains. Breast-pin. Purse with $8.00. Plain gold ring on first finger of left hand. Gray and black striped knee pants. Three keys and a bunch of keys. Barred gingham apron. Gold watch and chain. Red flannel dress. White. Black hair. Buttoned shoes. Light hair. Coarse gray woolen underwear. 49, No. Female. Light complexion. Vol. Barred flannel skirt. One pair earrings. Height 5 feet 7 inches. Sex unknown. Found on river bank at Coopersdale. Age about eight. Mangled daughters, bleeding sons, Female. [25][26], The Johnstown Flood was the worst flood to hit the U.S. in the 19th century. Valuables, A male. Black stockings, with red and gray stripes on the top. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Franklin street, Johnstown. Home knit lace collar. Light hair. Dark clothes Paper collar. Certificate of deposit for $1000 00 at John Dibert & Co. bank. Hazel eyes. Two small rings. Head burned off Dark lace shoes. Female. "F. P. R." on arm and clasped hands under same. Valuables in hands of John H. Scott. The South Fork Dam in Pennsylvania collapses on May 31, 1889, causing the Johnstown Flood, killing more than 2,200 people. Height 5 feet 10 inches. Two gold rings on right hand. . Red woolen hose with black feet. One week's growth of sandy beard, mixed with gray. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Top of head bald. Small button shoes. Full suit of blue chevoit. Female. The Johnstown Flood occurred on May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located close of the town of Johnstown. Seersucker skirt. St. John's. Female. Gold watch-chain. Seven counties were declared a disaster area, suffering $200million in property damage, and 78 people died. Height 5 feet 6 inches. Rhinestone ear-rings ruby set, two sets lost out. Blue stockings. Small gold ring. White cotton underskirt and red flannel skirt. Black stockings. Harry Bischoff, St. Louis, Mo. 38 cents in change. Those who reached attics or roofs, or managed to stay afloat on pieces of floating debris, waited hours for help to arrive. Female. Metal buttons, with square figures in centre. Gold ring with form of woman on set. Female. Silver watch. Blue eyes. Button shoes. The Pennsylvania Railroad restored service to Pittsburgh, 55 miles (89km) away, by June 2. Auburn hair. $37 00 in cash. Collar and tie remained on neck. Weight 225. Brilliant ear-drops. station. Weight 40 Height 3 feet 9 inches. Age about fourteen years Weight 90 pounds. Weight 200 to 225. Age four years. The perceived injustice aided the acceptance, in later cases, of "strict, joint, and several liability," so that even a "non-negligent defendant could be held liable for damage caused by the unnatural use of land. White underclothing. One bar pin. Supposed to be Mrs. John Oswald. One ear-ring with red star set. One pin. Gray woolen shirt. Claimed by Sol. $1 10 in coin. Black striped vest. Buttoned shoes. Female. The Johnstown Flood (locally, the Great Flood of 1889) occurred on Friday, May 31, 1889, after the catastrophic failure of the South Fork Dam, located on the south fork of the Little Conemaugh River, 14 miles (23km) upstream of the town of Johnstown, Pennsylvania, United States. Flat nose. Female. Brown skirt with two bands. 6. Boy. Black hair mixed with gray. Female. Blue calico wrapper, brown and white stripes. Female. Red skirt. Low shoes. Age about 55. Black ribbed jersey Black dress. Age sixty-nine. Ribbed knee pants. Age about ten. Key ring with Yale flat key and two door keys. White shirt. Blue and white striped shirt. Female. Brown eyes. Son of Godfrey Hoffman. Brown hair. Gray wool undershirt. Plain gold ring. Gold pin. The Johnstown flood is a story of humans manipulating nature without due understanding and caution. Tobacco box. List of dead and missing people in the Johnstown Pennsylvania Flood of 1889. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Black pants and coat. Gauze undershirt. Blue woolen stockings. Weight about 128. Pearl buttons on clothes. Female. Ear-drops, square one-half of the face of the ear-drop checkered, the other half engraved with a vine. Four collar-buttons Set ring. Found in Charles Mesher's store above stone bridge. Calico dress. Weight 160. P.R.R. Height about 18 inches. Fair complexion Brown hair Gray eyes. Ring on forefinger of left hand. The club was successfully defended in court by the firm of Knox and Reed (later Reed Smith LLP), whose partners Philander Knox and James Hay Reed were both club members. No clothing. Male. Medium height. Dark blue dress with light blue sleeve. Pair of cuff-buttons. Decomposing bodies and cremated human remains were found at an unlicensed funeral home in Johnstown, New York, police said. Black hair. Supposed to be Cooney or Conrad Schnable. Blue shirt waist. Valuables given to his brother James. Female. Boilers exploded when the flood hit the Gautier Wire Works, causing black smoke seen by Johnstown residents. Brown eyes. Black wool hose. One wire sleeve supporter. $13.30 in change Open-faced silver watch. One shoe buttoner. Supposed to be Manfield. One old knife. Weight 115. Height 3 feet. Age about thirty-eight. Male. Black pants. Brown hair Dark blue stockings with white soles. Dress of woolen goods, with small diamond figures. Height 5 feet 6 inches Auburn hair. [17], The total death toll from the flood was calculated originally as 2,209 people,[1] making the disaster the largest loss of civilian life in the U.S. at the time. Height 5 feet. Black hose. The valley had large amounts of runoff from rain and snowfall. Light brown hair. Beckley.". Weight 175. Age fifteen. Pocket-book $7 35. Female. Auburn hair. Weight about 125 Height about 5 feet 6 inches. Black dress with velvet collar. Red undershirt. Brown hair, turning gray. Black stockings. Height 5 feet 2 inches. Button shoes. Female. White undershirt. Check marked J? Weight 160. One body was even recovered 100 miles away in Steubenville, Ohio (Coleman 2019). Weight 40. Garnet earrings. Age thirty-eight Weight 145. Gold charm. Female. Bunch of keys. Black stockings. Dark complexion. Age fifty-five. Silver watch. Envelope marked James Lewis, Main street, Johnstown. Height 5 feet. in coin. Plaid dress pleated in front. Large ring. Black wool hose. Pocket comb and maroon leather case. Weight 250 to 300. Weight about 150. Female. Brass hair pin. Police and Johnstown firefighters were dispatched at 1:40 p.m. Saturday as the result of a welfare check call made by family members of the . Worsted coat. Height 5 feet 9 inches. Male. Ring with setting on right hand. Ring at Fourth Ward Morgue. Body and valuables shipped to Beauregard, Tenn., on telegraphic order of Mrs. D.H. McGavock, Nashville, Tenn., on June 11th. Development included lowering the dam to make its top wide enough to hold a road and putting a fish screen in the spillway. The area surrounding the city is prone to flooding due to its location on the rivers, whose upstream watersheds include an extensive drainage basin of the Allegheny plateau. High-buttoned shoes, spring heels. Assistant Treasurer of Cambria Iron Company. Height 5 feet Small rolled plate ear-drops. Bunch of keys. Received of J.A. Red, white and blue striped shirt Cloth top button shoes. The death toll stood at 2,209. Wart on left ear. Large. Age about 30. Gum boots and black stockings Had an "Agnus Dei" in her pocket. One witness on high ground near the town described the water as almost obscured by debris, resembling "a huge hill rolling over and over". Breast-pin and gold setting. Age thirty-five. Height 3 feet 8 inches. Flood, 1889]: Carrying body out of the wreck digital file from original About this Item. One chain with bracelet with small padlock attached Two pins joined by chain. Male. Blue eyes. Heavy woolen stockings. Age fifty. Height 5 feet 4 inches. Weight 160. Plaid wool dress trimmed with wool crotchet lace. Age forty to forty-five. Male. Calico dress. $5.08 in pockets. Pair blood stone cuff-buttons. Brown striped skirt. Male. Fair complexion. Weight 160 Height 5 feet 9 inches. Weight 125. Home-knit stockings.

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