how to cash in your birth certificate bond


how to cash in your birth certificate bond

You might want to add a paragraph on that as well. Once processed through the Federal Reserve System and/or the Department of the Treasury, these transactions are bonded. You are welcome Cherycrime26 also here's a good site. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. Under the UCC/Redemption Process, the secured party does not obtain the actual application for a Certificate of Live Birth. It is public agencies that specify the name on the document to be an actual person, not just a commercial entity. This document was created when you were an infant. This shows that those people who have followed the correct procedures in filing their UCC documents using the redemption process have not committed any crime. This secret has been hidden for over 79 years. You can get your forms on the . Thanks for sharing this information. If the UCC filing complies with all the stipulations of those rules and procedures, then by law the document needs to be recorded. Instruction 8 - Birth Certificate - For Instructions on the birth certificate to see if they are trading on it go to Free to be slaves? jinlei123 from I was in China on June 28, 2011: Wow! Wow you speak your opinions well. hahaha.yeah rightI may as well call the police. Thank you for sharing :). He has a book, Adventures In Legal Land, that shows empirically why there are no citizens and no states. Does it have commercial value? 6. When you get the form it is up to the bank. Yes, you may redeem a bond to the estate of the last decedent on a bond. Embed Share. There are numerous views and theories held by supporters and deniers of the process known as "UCC/Redemption." I also applied for my state citizenship, "national" at the post office before I started this leg of the journey. This is to say that there were millions of people in other countries outside the United States who have also become part of the conspiracy. AS SOON AS THE POWER GOES OFF AND COMES BACK ON, QUANTUM GOES LIVE AND THE NESARA/GESARA WILL BE ACTIVE. Commercial laws allow for you to cancel and rescind this simple contract UCC3-203 and to make a Claim in recoupment [Reparations] for fraud committed upon you when you were and infant [See UCC 3-305]. Click on Symbol Look Up. 22. There is an old saying by Edmund Burke (1729 - 1797): All that is required to allow evil to flourish is that too many good men do nothing.. Search for "Black's Law Dictionary", this will help you along the way. Christopher-Earl: Strunk in esse Sui juris agent from Brooklyn New York on December 28, 2013: The disinformation of Fiat money was created to cover-up the fact that there are a huge set of US Government private trust accounts for its creditors that are date-limited as co-mingled bundled investments in equity commodity and bond markets. Several internet blogs and videos make false claims that a United States birth certificate is a negotiable instrument (a document that promises payment) that can be used to: The truth is, birth certificates cannot be used for purchases, nor can they be used to request savings bonds purportedly held by the government. If u go to Fidelity investments. Investments financed with prefunding secured with debtor(s) property and labor attached to your serf-indenture collateral in a double bookkeeping system that as a matter of voluntary servitude was by operation of law contracted by your mother upon your birth and or with your naturalization in Washington DC for creditor investment instruments maintained by the Census Bureau of the Commerce Department; that securities were issued for the prefunding purchase of all the cash-flow of your federal tax payments over your lifetime, and just as is also done by the respective State's prefunding of government employment retirement accounts as preferred policy of government employment over private employment. You are responsible for this. The Department of Debt Loan Payoff has discovered the credit and debt secret for you to pay any debt and bank loan. The mistake that many people who file UCC forms make is a reference to the Treasury Direct or Direct Treasury account within their paperwork. It is a fact that every single living, breathing human being in the United States is bonded and used in commercial activities by the Corporation of the United States which has received them. If they reference their original filing, they could maintain the original date of filing which would then be filed with the Secretary of the Treasury. Up and shared January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on February 26, 2013: @Billybuc Trust me it's real, do your research, it just takes time to do the process and of course there not teaching people how to do it. Do not fall victim to their schemes. I do see a problem if the adult is also registering minors. Carrie Lee Night from Northeast United States on May 03, 2020: Interesting hub :) It may sound logical in theory, but realistically if it were true and everyone cashed it in it would bankrupt the government. There was a number on the certified copy of the Certificate of Live Birth given to my mother, but it consists of a five-digit State File No. There are many Strawman/redemption scams out there. During the year 1933, the Congress handed over control of all the post offices to the Secretary of the Treasury. Yes there will be obstacles & hurdles along the way, freedom is not free, however stay on the yellow brick road & you'll do just fine. They are the creators of the birth certificate trust and you as the beneficiaries, are the ones who can lawfully benefit from your trust and its assets. The calculator only checks that the issue date and denomination entered are a valid combination - it will not verify whether a bond exists. This goes for prosecution by the Department of the Treasury, the Secret Service, the Department of Justice or the IRS. The secured party may make changes to the UCC financing statement (UCC-1), if they file an Amendment (UCC-3) which makes reference to the original UCC that was filed. Can you get your house free and clear and how with the Ucc. It will be stamped with a file number, date, hour, and the exact minute of filing. This is human trafficking conducted by people within the government structure. %PDF-1.3 The documents are examined by the Secret Service, the FBI and Justice Department. Request savings bonds held by the government in your name and owed to you. Indeed, our situation is as George F. Will wrote "we honor [Thomas] Jefferson, but we live in [Alexander] Hamilton's country". This office is in control of all revenue to the United States to make sure that the creditors (bankers) who actually own the federal reserve will be repaid all monies owed. This was done with the permission of Congress, and an executive order signed by the President. (To calculate a value, you don't need to enter a serial number. Listen up, the only way you can cash your certified copy of live birth is by (firstly) perfecting its ownership. NON-NEGOTIABLE RE: CERTIFICATE OF LIVE BIRTH # 1234-12345 ACCEPTED FOR VALUE and EXEMPT FROM LEVY DEPOSITED TO US TREASURY AND CHARGED TO JOHN H DOE AND 123-45-6789. The page should look like the following page. Citizen means you are not in your right person meaning slave no privileges you can never own anything and they see you as a minor. The time frame for each Certificate of Live Birth to be filed in D.C. is seventeen days. I have read a lot about commercial redemption but it has all been around the US. So, your birth certificate is a bond. What is a birth certificate. We need to start taken action. on February 16, 2012: Digit slash, that is a very good question. Surely the number of people filing UCC financing statements have risen dramatically since 2003. "You shall know the truth and the truth will set you free.". The controversy explains, your name written in all capitals means, YOU, are a corporation. Too bad no one can post info here about Freedomclubusa. January Moon (author) from NY, Now Living in Atlanta Ga on March 28, 2012: @Arthur wow, I'm glad your going through the steps, I will check out this site, and your not doing anything, good for you, I will check out this site. One is for a contact to a call rep who can explain questions about the bond. Is there a website or something where u can put in your info? Thanks for sharing this. As a U.S. citizen you must know that there is no monetary value adhered to your birth certificate or to your social security number. I have both their BC and SS card. Enormous numbers of people on the inside who had knowledge of the truth and received benefits from it explains the slight possibility that they might divulge some of the details about the scam by releasing anonymous details without putting themselves in great danger if they were careful about remaining anonymous while they did so. Sleep well, fellow slaves. This is documented and authorized through public policy: HJR-192, Title IV, Sec. These procedures set up by the government were put in place so that the secured party could reclaim a part of what is rightfully theirs under the U.S. Constitution. x][u~hUaj :qU*UM]#q ZO|Vs?O_Emu*FZmmZjo_~O*3?'YZT^y*w7heFSx?uy\WQo^]R\juT^M+xRnnn mCDbVm>4+uIuS_dr nb_Uxs*h#AYr$4|%- D}ToTFMlc}&eBNC'JE%T77ju#7eLV/^W3_%Z(sc|o9 ![QaW@ # ^EQ*!a$|@3=Y:QM Lxh :|RZ}gU"GjEi8pgbkWS_4=jcid`7S,KN#C: lIeF!rJE,4xDF. Finance activities take place in financial systems at various scopes, thus the field can be roughly divided . This Bank Note/Birth Certificate is sent to the State where the "Live Birth" is registered. It is rumored that many of these twenty five million were political insiders like politicians, judges, lawyers, corporate executives, senior military, secret service and security services personnel and their families and others who are implicated in the establishment and the maintaining in this fictional and fraudulent system, a system that has been used to abuse the mass population of the United States for over seventy years prior to 2003. Has anyone successfully done this process? Very interesting hub. The organic US Constitution was called the Constitution for the United States, the Act changed the Constitution to THE CONSTITUTION OF THE UNITED STATES (all CAPS . And no legitimate government. If they were so clever to set this up, then why would they leave such a loophole? (ie loans, car note, housing payment etc) I would think that anyone receiving info would do there own due diligence as for if they go out with half information and get burned who's fault is that. There is a significant difference between the UCC contract trusts and direct treasury accounts which are used primarily for the trading of treasury bonds, which are managed by the bureau of public debt. Video. 1. Click on it and then click on the QUOTE option. It appears that the UCC as well as other paperwork that is required to be filed with the birth state or region are all logged in the mail room at 1500 Pennsylvania NW, Washington, D.C. All that is required to allow evil to flourish is that too many good men do nothing. how can i get access to the video that was removed by Youtube? on January 07, 2012: I have an article on being a Sovereign Individual. select Birth certificate, I-94, and other. Only after youve done these, can you take that bond to a bank window and "cash it". The government is utilizing both their name and assets to trade in drugs, crude oil and various other commodities. If the bond was issued in October, you want to redeem it in either October or April. I (understand?) PLEASE CONTACT ME AT GODSPORTAL@GMAIL.COM THANK YOU.. PEACE. If a UCC form is prepared properly and filed with the Bank can be an Administrative Obstruction Action in which a Secured Party can use to show a prior and superior claim to those assets on deposit. Yet these folks are nowhere to be found! You can not expect to go to the very same people committing the fraud and expect them to give you info. There are various contingents involved, as well as facts that have been disclosed by different sources concerning the information. thank you so much :).. once i try this, this year and it is true i will most definitely make another post. Only a qualified applicant may obtain a copy of a birth or death certificate: 1. because we are heavily campaigning for Micheal Tellinger to get a seat in our South African Parliament, I happen to come across your article on the Birth Certificate scandal that we knew about for several years . This is the biggest crock of sh*t I've ever read in my life. Click on SYMBOL LOOKUP. Any profit which is created by the investment during the life, right up to the death of the individual, of every living, breathing, male or female, remains the property of the state. Therefor, since "they", confiscated our actual real money,(gold), in 1933, which is ABSOLUTELY ILLEGAL, for any government to do,they had to provide a redemption process, that would require "them", to pay, all of our debts. The simple answer is that your birth certificate is a very healthy and reliable cash-cow bond (debt instrument) which the government uses to access an endless supply of ready cash ("Quantitative Easing," as it is technically called) knowing that you will be . Thanks for posting it. Although the Court System claims to have Jurisdiction over Commercial Transactions that seem to break criminal laws, in reality the UCC Articles on their own are Administrative Law and do not fall under any jurisdiction of the courts or to litigation. Do not do anything without having a complete understanding of the consequences. There are minor diversities in the subsections of the UCC from one state to another, and even between counties. There might be some shady people who might be very interested in assuming a false identity of an US citizen. Reality Bytes (author) from Freeman On The Land United States of America. The STATE/GOVERNMENT are acting in fraud because they are benefiting from your birth certificate bond/trust. They use the FBI to aid them in their attempts to admonish and stop the presentments of any Bill of Exchange documents delivered by the secured party to the secretary. Nadine May from Cape Town, Western Cape, South Africa on April 18, 2014: When I was writing my article: "Were we all born Free & Equal, or not?" tired of debt and statutory laws..learning all i can about redemption .thanx. Department of Treasury Admits That Millions of UCC Financing Statements Have Been Filed. With that if anyone is out there who has went through the process sharing that information is worth sharing per her asking. The government is spending the future and enslaving its citizens with taxes. The controversy also insist you can regain control over your prepaid account by simply filling out a notice of lien against the birth certificate with the dept. Does your birth certificate give the state, and tragically in the end, the federal government control over all past, present, and future transactions which the individual named on a birth certificate enters? It is usually a neighbor of the United States. Thanks for reading, Mike. The Internal Revenue Service has increased its use of illegal threats and intimidation. That turns your (copy) onto an original. Then they celebrate. Any actions you take and all repercussions you receive will be your responsibility alone. the [your] birth certificate. -4 Vote Up Vote Down. Press Go. In other put "All documents relating to your U.S citizenship status". stream The materials available on this article are for informational purposes only and not for the purpose of providing legal advice. Follow 19.8K. It was only a mere twenty years after the passage of the Federal Reserve Act in 1913 by Congress for the Corporation of the United States. Others have declared that the Application for the Birth Certificate actually does have commercial value, which is determined by the ability of the government to tax any future earnings of the individual named on the documents. Instruction 3 - At the top of the page you will see DELAYED QUOTES. In exchange for an initial payment, known as the premium, the insurer promises to pay for loss caused by perils covered under the policy language. My closest ancestors(souls) were captured and brought into the state of South Carolina, where my consciousness(soul) was then delivered to the state as collateral for a debt. Instruction 7 - What will appear next is a page that says BOND RESULTS. child itself, when born, is the asset of the trust established by the birth certificate, and the social security number is the numbering or registration of the trust, allowing for the assets of the trust to be tracked, thus making whomever gets a birth certificate owned by the state. Do not be fooled by these. The info you share helps to speed up the process and shorten the pain for all. Hey Dario, great job my man. Despite the blockage of information as well as being told false information "We The People" are continuing to gain knowledge and information regardless of being the target of threats and blackmail. on January 18, 2012: VICTOR JERMAN LIPFORD You have asked a question that I am not qualified to answer. Go to, scroll all the way to the bottom and do a FOIA request. When a Notice of Levy/Lien is delivered to a Financial Institution by the IRS, the Financial Institution simply responds by making an entry in their computer. See Guarantee Trust of New York v. Henwood, et al. Does anyone know anyone that has actually gotten any money from this????? What do one do when one go to the bank after filing the ucc? I will have to check it out more. Federal criminal convictions have occurred in several cases. We'll make sure that you'll have your certified official copy as soon as possible. But you have to claim to be and file a UCC lien on yourself and your property. People at the Treasury Department Analysis and Control Division of the IRS where they keep the files claim that the birth certificate does not have commercial value. But truly understand what it is that you are getting yourself into. I listen to several different ones. Yes, as you say its a lot of fancy language and legal mumbo jumbo. It is not the birth certificate that has value. I suggest that you stay away from undocumented, unproven schemes.

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