ebay seller doesn t accept returns


ebay seller doesn t accept returns

You accept returns in your policy, and the buyer changed their mind about a purchase. No returns cannot protect you if you did not describe the item properly, as eBay's buyer protection kicks in. If I accept it, I can still require a return of the item & always do. Offer a partial refund:You'll issue a partial refund to the buyer, and they'll keep the item. To offer a replacement or alternate item: How to give a partial refund when the item is returned in a different condition. if (document.referrer) document.write ("&referer=" + escape(document.referrer)); Once you've received the item, you have 2 business days to review and issue a refund, or ask eBay to step in and help. document.write ("?zoneid=4"); I originally shipped the item via FedEx because it's cheaper for heavier items. If an item is returned used or damaged, it may be appropriate to give a partial refund. document.write ("-->,