better to keep your mouth shut quotes


better to keep your mouth shut quotes

Learn how your comment data is processed. What about the line: A good essay is like a womans skirt short enough to be interesting, long enough to cover the subject., Actually, regarding number 4, Twains quote was I never let my schooling interfere with my education.. 3. ""No, so shut up. The old norse poem, Havamal (verse 27 to be precise), contains a similar sentiment: For the unwise man tis best to be mute Even a fool, when he holds his peace, is counted wise: and he that shuts his lips is esteemed a man of understanding. Proverbs 17:28 American King James Bible, 2. Here are ten examples of instances in which you would be better off not saying anything. Votes: 2, Not being categorized is like keeping your mouth shut. Well, there is nothing wrong to ask the questions if we really want to know something. " It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt. Rick Yancey, It's a good thing while you have superior hearing, I possess superior abilities to keep my mouth shut. Prov 24:24 Proverbs 18:21, If you have already said it more than one time (then it becomes nagging) Proverbs 19:13, When you are tempted to flatter a wicked person. #gradient The post Gradient appeared first on SteveZ DesignZ. "He starts to say something, then shuts his mouth so hard, I hear his teeth click. - Abe Lincoln. Ask Steve That answer may show up here on Steve Sews, Courageous Christian Father or SteveZ DesignZ. helpful non helpful. There are three classes of people: those who see, those who see when they are shown, those who do not see. I suppose well never know. Mike Tyson. I want to be in as many boxes as possible, describe myself as thickly as possible. The LXX. Pinterest. As for the candidate for attribution here, isnt it just as likely that the book was made up of lesser-known folk rhymes that simply evaded meaningful records? Funny quotes. is now Proverbs 17:28 has many translations. When you are looking to achieve . Keep the tongue in your mouth a prisoner. However, many other sources claim that Agatha Christie made this astute observation. Words are misty, language is a fog. All she could do was stare blankly at the absolute strinking male who had just scooped her up and now held her in his arms. Annapolis, MD 21401, Email: He won it by making the other poor dumb bastard die for his country. If you want to know more or withdraw your consent to all or some of the cookies, please refer to the, Patrick Rothfuss (2011). | Mark Twain Quote. The dead are past that. No matter what anybody says, he's got to argue with it. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. Here is the New International Version followed by the King James Version of this verse: [1] Proverbs 17:28 has many translations. This quote is actually pretty recent. Bud Rudesill, And I will never, ever respond to anybody - man, woman, vegetable, or mineral - who tells me to keep my mouth shut. Were fools silent, they would pass for wise." 13. $29.00 $ 29. Mark Twain Quotes. 1) In the heat of anger A perverse person stirs up conflict, and a gossip separates close friends. Prov 16:28 Translator : Excuse me sir, but General Caskov would like to know whether you'll join him to drink the surrender of Germany. Ephesians 4:29; "Let no corrupting talk come out of your mouths, but only such as is . The tongue of the wise useth knowledge aright: but the mouth of fools poureth out foolishness. You're almost always better off keeping your mouth shut, but don't let that stop you from popping off. The wiser you become, the more you learn to keep your mouth shut, until eventually the grave silences you forever. Beau Brummell, Your mind is nirvana. You haven't gained anything, but you haven't lost anything either. What is Mindfulness and How to Be Mindful? Categorization is linguistic, people trying to understand each other. Bible Verses Quotes . (Verified on paper), 2001, Mark Twain by Dayton Duncan and Geoffrey C. Ward, Based on a Documentary by Ken Burns, Section: What Twain Didnt Say, Page 189, Alfred A. Knopf, New York. (Google Books full view), 1893 August 8, Stamford Mirror, Jewels of Thought, Page 1, Column 3, Stamford, New York. Most of us are better, though, when things go better. (NewspaperArchive) Best Inspirational Quotes. I didnt grow up with a silver spoon in my mouth. (NewspaperArchive), 1924 June 10, Seattle Daily Times, Section: Sports, Bobs Sportitorials, Quote Page 1, Column 1, Seattle, Washington. R. Fran_co. "Apparently when he got kicked out of Dauntless, he tried to join the same group of factionless Edward was a part of. For some reason, Mark Twain gets the credit for this line, despite zeroevidence. Author: Penelope Scambly Schott. Quotes are added by the Goodreads community and are not verified by Goodreads. Update history: On February 5, 2013 the article was rewritten to include more information about ascriptions to Mark Twain. I usually speak my mind. It will come back to you again and again, people will always tell you about it. #eyeofaneedle Eye of a Needle appeared first on Steve Sews Stuff. Hugo asked: "Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt.". The word is demonstrating a condition of the mind. If someone knows, let me know and I will give credit where credit is due. Coincidentally, after reading this post yesterday, a colleague prepared a quiz of quotes this morning. Votes: 2. Here is a link to a webpage with several from the Online Parallel Bible Project of Thomas Pynchon. "Ye mak a better door than a windae". When I mentioned this adage to a friend he claimed that it was in the Bible, but it does not sound very Biblical to me. . Salinger, It's a difficult position. "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." What a zinger! A lot of sources attribute this to Mark Twain. (Kyrian)From what I saw, she had no clothes whatsoever on her back. Job 13:5 O that ye would altogether hold your peace! 13) If your words will destroy a friendship Goose, Her Book by Maurice Switzer, Page 29, Moffat, Yard & Company, New York. All hard work brings a profit, but mere talk leads only to poverty. Prov 14:23. Copyright 2023 Famous Quotes & Sayings. tags: hell , resignation. QUOTES. A good rule of thumb for a quote is to source it. There are many that have been wrongly accused and forced to do time for crimes they did not commit. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut Votes: 2. Word of mouth is very powerful., In some cases is keeping your mouth shut the best answer., It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt., It seems that it had been destined before that I should occupy myself so thoroughly with the vulture, for it comes to my mind as a very early memory, when I was still in the cradle, a vulture came down to me, he opened my mouth with his tail and struck me a few times with his tail against my lips., Just because Im sassy and have a mouth on me doesnt mean Im coming from a negative place., Listen! This is a good way to get questions I can answer to turn [], Steve Sews Stuff Sewing is a popular hobby that has been around for centuries. I want to be in as many boxes as possible, describe myself as thickly as possible. A pissant does his best to make you feel like a boob all the time. Contrary to Twitter, the art of writing ones thoughts in a concise, organized, and meaningful manner takes more time and effort than just jotting down your stream of consciousness. Votes: 0, There's nothing wrong with keeping your mouth shut if you don't have anything nice to say. Open your mouth only if what you are going to say is more beautiful than the silence. ""How could I know that, Cassie? Proverbs 25:28, If you cant speak without yelling. 100 WALLPAPERS 219,525 POINTS. June 4, 2014. The author of that book, L. Frank Baum, went on to write an even bigger hit The Wonderful Wizard of Oz (Thanks to John Baker for pointing this out. (ProQuest), It is better to keep quiet and seem ignorant, he reportedly advised an American dignitary, than to speak up and remove all doubt., The aphorism appeared in the 1961 collection Mark Twain: Wit and Wisecracks edited by Doris Benardete. If you're in the habit of talking too much, you probably answer questions that you don't even know the answer to. All the words of my mouth are just; none of them is crooked or perverse. Prov 8:8 Interestingly, the translation on one page ( contains a footnote comparing it to the latin praestat tacere et stultus haberi quam edicere ", Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is, . What a zinger! Inspiring Quotes About Life. Noone attributed this to Jesus. Loyalty Quotes, At a certain point in life your interests begin to change you are more interested in respect . Talmud, "Silence becomes the wise, much more feels." A Christian Blog about the Bible, Theology, God, Jesus Christ, Christian Music, Christian Movies, Family, Cats, Odd Holidays and much more. 'I was thinking more along the lines of Tick and Tock. By Karen Finn. It is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to open your mouth and remove all doubt. 736 Words | 3 Pages. Untrustworthy is not a good look to have in your relationships. Votes: 3 Author Sam Clemens, more commonly known by his pen name, Mark Twain, may have died in Redding, Connecticut, in 1910, but his superb storytelling, wit, and knack for humorous commentary in books like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and Life on the Mississippihas kept him alive in the hearts of readers for more than a century. The word thought was spelled thot:[10] 1923 June 19, The Crescent (Evansville Crescent), (One quotation in a set of three freestanding quotes), Quote Page 3, Column 1, Evansville, Indiana. Either way, misattribution of a singular bromide remains a supreme compliment. gives a different turn to the first clause: "A foolish man inquiring of wisdom will have wisdom imputed to him;" the expressed desire of knowledge will be taken as a proof of intelligence. (GenealogyBank), It is better to keep silent and be thought a fool. says Dr. Arthur Burns, than to speak and remove all doubts., In March 1931 a humorist with the moniker Doc Rockwell presented a version of the maxim with the phrase keep your mouth shut instead of remain silent, keep silent, or keep quiet:[12] 1931 March 22, Omaha World Herald, Rockwell Tells How to Behave Like a Human Being by Doc Rockwell, Quote Page 8, Column 5, Omaha, Nebraska. Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. 23 Picture Quotes. The most significant conversations of our lives occur in silence. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut. Complaining about all that is hard, unfair or ridiculous in life-having strong feelings, and not being able to suppress them. Translation: "It's better to be doing badly than not taking part at all". Steve Sews Stuff Eye of a Needle - here is another sewing Notion metaphor. ~Japanese Proverbs. You might conceivably injure them. The answer given for Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt was Mark Twain, which if true would likely predate Switzer. 9. Albert Einstein. French. "Instead, smart ass, pampered kids call them names and throw dog shit at them. Donna Tartt, Vodka was evil; pure liquid evil. though his words flow neer so fast. (NewspaperArchive). It sounds like this: > Even a fool is thought wise if he keeps silent, and discerning if he holds his tongue. 4) If your words will offend a weaker brother "It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt." "When in doubt, tell the truth." . Ecclesiastes 5:3 For a dream cometh through the multitude of business; and a fool's voice is known by multitude of words. You'll rarely regret keeping it shut. (Google Books full view), 2012, The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs, Compiled by Charles Clay Doyle, Wolfgang Mieder, and Fred R. Shapiro, Page 83, Yale University Press, New Haven. (GenealogyBank), It Is Better to Keep Quiet and Be Thought a Fool Than to Speak and Remove All Doubt.Empeco, In 1923 the adage was published in the newspaper of Evansville College (now University) in Indiana. Read your bible. This morning I had a breakfast meeting with a couple of friends and we stumbled on the topic of when it is best to keep you mouth shut. You know, those times when youd wished youd kept quite and things may have worked out better. This 1906 citation was also given in The Dictionary of Modern Proverbs, an indispensable new reference work from Yale University Press. Shaw smiled slightly. "Jesus, I'm pissed as all fuck and still she's cute," he groused like he wasn't talking to me but actually complaining to the Son of God. Half of seeming clever is keeping your mouth shut at the right times. "All right, then, I'll go to hell.". (Accessed on October 24, 2012) link. People with a hot temper do foolish things; wiser people remain calm. Choose to keep your mouth shut when In the heat of anger. Benefits of Shutting Up. Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak out and remove all doubt, Sometimes Mark Twain has been assigned the version of the maxim using the phrase remain silent. 5) If your words will be a poor reflection of the Lord or your friends and family 21 Through him you believe in God, who raised him from the dead and glorified him, and so your faith and hope are in God. and it should be your wisdom. Johnny Cash, Love with your mouth shut, help without breaking your ass or publicizing it: keep cool, but care. When the lips are silent, the heart has a hundred tongues., Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God., Man who waits for roast duck to fly into mouth must wait very, very long time., No one has a finer command of language than the person who keeps his mouth shut., Not being categorized is like keeping your mouth shut. In the story entitled Animal Farm by George Orwell there is a character that is a horse named Boxer, he represents the Russian workforce, the story is an allegory of the Russian Revolution. . 10) If the issue is none of your business This post was first published in 2016 and has been updated. (Google Books full view) link. I'm just going to check out hisfriends. (Old Fulton). Pinterest. Always do sober what you said you'd do drunk. The ascription to Abraham Lincoln has been common for decades. THEPALMER/Getty Images. That will teach you to keep your mouth shut., Apathy in general; people who are not standing up for what they believe in because somebodys got a louder mouth than them; it doesnt make any sense., Aristotle could have avoided the mistake of thinking that women have fewer teeth than men, by the simple device of asking Mrs. Aristotle to keep her mouth open while he counted., Authenticity is the alignment of head, mouth, heart, and feet thinking, saying, feeling, and doing the same thing consistently. Not being categorized is like keeping your mouth shut. Maurice Switzer? "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt." Mark Twain . Categorization is linguistic, people trying to understand each other. (ProQuest), 1961, Mark Twain: Wit and Wisecracks, Edited by Doris Benardete, Quote Page 18, Peter Pauper Press, White Plains, New York. T.J. Klune, The one thing I learned is not to say anything about my own paintings. Not one of us. Pro Pr). Gerard Butler. Since Lincoln died in 1865 this is a suspiciously late instance, and it provides very weak evidence. keep one's mouth shut. 2023 Martin ONeill / Corsum Consulting, LLC. Often times, most times, he's describing his own, revealing himself. If youre not able to to get to the original source (and not an anthology or compilation of quotes), then dont attribute the quote. Proverbs 16:27, If your words will destroy a friendship. The history of the word begins in close connexion with the Greek mysteries. Posted by Martin O'Neill on January 11, 2010. If you may have to eat your words later. The trick to keeping your mouth shut is this: put the desire to effect positive change above your instinct to tell people they're wrong. Work is x; y is play; and z is keeping your mouth shut. (Learn more) "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt" Abraham Lincoln? Watch. These quotes about keeping your mouth shut will also remind you to be mindful to the types of circumstances that you speak up in. 20) When you are supposed to be working instead 101 WALLPAPERS 466,182 POINTS. Count your votes - if you're not going to win, don't take a moral victory by voicing a descending opinion. But there are times when you just don't want to open that can of worms by saying -- "I think you're an idiot!" However, there is no substantive evidence that either of these famous individuals employed the maxim. Lisa Kleypas, If you keep your mouth shut you will never put your foot in it. Anne Frank, On top of everything else," he said immediately, "we've got 'Wise Child' complexes. In November 1931 the saying was assigned to Abraham Lincoln in Golden Book Magazine as noted previously. 'Or something,' I agreed. Here are some well-know Mark Twain quotes that arent. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. ""Did Edward kill him?" The phrasing is different, but I think these two statements express the same thought. "When you know you're full of bull, keep your mouth shut" - Will Rogers. Remain blessed. We've kept our mouths shut (sometimes only by clenching our jaw) when everything inside of us is screaming to let our spouse know EXACTLY what we're feeling and/or thinking. (Google News Archive), 1953 May 29, Saskatoon Star-Phoenix, Its Always Same Answer by Jane Gale, Page 13, Column 3, Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. You'll rarely regret keeping it shut. "Be careful about reading health books. If you talk too much you may get into all kinds of troubles. 8) When youre tempted to make light of holy things You may die of a misprint.". All it takes are two simple steps. | Privacy Policy We all sometimes don't speak up when we should, and do speak when we shouldn't. But successful people do a lot less of this and know the value, particularly, of keeping quiet. In fact, Twains unique brand of knowledge and wisdom about life, education, character, and death remain so popular, hes become one of our most quoted (and misquoted) literary voices. 1 Corinthians 8:11, If your words will be a proof reflection of the Lord or your friends and family. Who dares deny it. | Privacy Policy Several examples from an 1887 collection called Proverbs, Maxims, and Phrases of All Ages are reminiscent of the biblical proverb: [7] 1887, Proverbs, Maxims, and Phrases of All Ages, Compiled by Robert Christy, Page 268, The Knickerbocker Press, G. P. Putnams Sons, New York. Enjoy reading and share 9 famous quotes about Better Keep Your Mouth Shut with everyone. Using sewing hashtags on social media platforms can help you connect with other sewists and []. I'm more of a leader by example than I am a preacher. In 1924 an instance of the saying was credited to a person named Arthur Burns:[11] 1924 June 10, Seattle Daily Times, Section: Sports, Bobs Sportitorials, Quote Page 1, Column 1, Seattle, Washington. "It's better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt". (Verified with scans), 1962 March 21, Aiken Standard and Review, Phraseologies, Quote Page 2, Column 6, Aiken, South Carolina. . Funny Quotes About Keeping Your Mouth Shut; Hilarious Sayings; Mouth Quotes; Quotes About Arguing With Fools; Sarcastic Inspirational Quotes; Phone: 410.972.4522 Like a city whose walls are broken through is a person who lacks self-control. Prov 25:28 Maybe his grades and definitely his track record with the ladies. RT @6amsuccess: Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Oct 1, 2017 - It is better to keep your mouth closed and let people think you are a fool than to open it and remove all doubt. Chris Maher: I do my best to trace quotes accurately. A bore is a person who opens his mouth and puts his feats in it., A kiss is a secret told to the mouth instead of the ear; kisses are the messengers of love and tenderness., A man can take a little bourbon without getting drunk, but if you hold his mouth open and pour in a quart, hes going to get sick on it., A portrait is a painting with something wrong with the mouth., A special skill, like speaking several languages, or keeping your mouth shut in one., A wise and frugal government, which shall restrain men from injuring one another, shall leave them otherwise free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned., Always do sober what you said youd do drunk. | Contact Us helpful non helpful. Author Mark Twain (real name Sam Clemens), a man of many words, a man of many quotes. We don't converse, we expound. The day serves as a reminder of the crucial role that a free press plays in safeguarding democracy, ensuring accountability, []. And you have to really deliver., You can never put too much pork in your mouth as far as Im concerned., You learned the two greatest thing in life, never rat on your friends, and always keep your mouth shut., You prove your worth with your actions, not with your mouth., Youre almost always better off keeping your mouth shut, but dont let that stop you from popping off.. "Talking comes by nature," say the Germans, "silence of understanding." Study hard. Visualise all those meaningful keeping your mouth shut quotes. Cool Words. 14. Theres so much to understand about the world beyond whats taught inschool. It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Elevate your head during sleep. It is better . | Sitemap |. Votes: 2, If A is a success in life, then A equals x plus y plus z. Goose, Her Book by Maurice Switzer, Page 29, Moffat, Yard & Company, New York. "That's what I thought," he Kristen Ashley, I don't think that I'm the smartest guy around, so I'm better off to keep my mouth shut as much as I can rather than opening my mouth and proving to people that I don't know what I'm talking about. ""Jackson Ryan Taylor, I swear to whatever holy being there maybe thatI will personally rip you a ""Whoa, calm down. We've all done it. #SmallPressMonth The post Small Press Month []. on 20 Reasons When to Keep Your Mouth Shut Printable, 20 Reasons When to Keep Your Mouth Shut Printable, Better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. Words are misty, language is a fog. At least I do it's impossible for me to keep my mouth shut. Complaining about all that is hard, unfair or ridiculous in life-having strong feelings, and not being able to suppress them. No citation to Twains oeuvre was provided:[19] 1961, Mark Twain: Wit and Wisecracks, Edited by Doris Benardete, Quote Page 18, Peter Pauper Press, White Plains, New York. So throw off the bowlines. J.D. Other proverbs mention how idle chatter leads to poverty ( Proverbs 14:23 ), the righteous study how . 7. I'm not a proctologist, but I know an asshole when I see one. There is "A time to keep silent, and a time to speak" - Ecclesiates 3:7. Fools mock at making amends for sin, but goodwill is found among the upright. Prov 14:9 (Old Chinese Proverb.) You know they won't' 'Holy shit, boss! "I stormed out of the bathroom and that was the end of thatconversation Kaitlin Scott, Sometimes the opposite of loss is loss." She wasn't usually at a loss for words, but she had completely lost her ability to think straight, so she decided to keep her mouth shut. People can tell you to keep your mouth shut, but it doesn't stop you having your own opinion. Below are additional selected citations in chronological order. Like. Much like Alex wasn't likely to be if she couldn't extricate herself from this. First published February 22, 2017. We feel safer with a madman who talks than with one who cannot open his mouth." "The hand is, in the highest degree, a human characteristic. It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt. This is found in the Bible . It is better to keep ones mouth shut and be thought a fool than to open it and remove all doubt., In 1953 a columnist in a Saskatoon, Canada newspaper assigned the expression to Mark Twain.

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